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How to Remove Stickers from Glass: 5 All-Natural Methods

how to remove stickers from glass
Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / MichaelGaida

The annoying task of removing stickers from glass does not need to be a chore if you employ these simple tricks. Here, we cover some cheap and eco-friendly ways to remove stickers from glass, dispensing the need for harsh chemical solvents and cleaners.

1. Elbow Grease

Cheap and non-toxic, white vinegar is a great all-round household cleaner.
Cheap and non-toxic, white vinegar is a great all-round household cleaner.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / NatureFriend)

The simplest and most reliable way to remove stickers from glass items is a bit of determination and some elbow grease. This method will also ensure that glass surfaces won’t sustain any significant damage. Create a mix of either baking soda or vinegar in warm water and apply this to the offending sticker. Allow the sticker to soak in the cleaning solution for 30 minutes, then using either a razor blade (or disused credit card, which is much safer), carefully scrape away the leftover sticker and adhesive material. Since you are not using harsh chemical cleaners, this process can take a while and you will most likely have to repeat the process a couple of times before you get the desired result.

Read on: Washing Clothes with Vinegar: Benefits of Adding Vinegar to Laundry

2. Essential Oils

Essential oils have endless practical applications.
Essential oils have endless practical applications.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / mitchf1)

Essential oils can be used for many things and natural cleaning is definitely one of them. Tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil are arguably the best at breaking down the sticky mess left on glass surfaces by stubborn stickers. Using a wet cloth, add a few generous drops of tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil and gently rub the sticker and any residue until you start to notice it lifting off the glass. Other household options such as olive oil, baby oil, and coconut oil can also help. Soak the sticker for 30 minutes and similar to the first method described above, just carefully scrape away any remaining sticker and adhesive material for a clean glass surface.

3. Ice It or Heat It

The coolng effect of ice should make sticker removal easier.
The coolng effect of ice should make sticker removal easier.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Dragon77)

The cooling effects of ice can neutralize sticker adhesives, making the gummy residue brittle and easier to remove via gentle scraping. You could rub the affected area with ice cubes or even place smaller items in the freezer for 20 to 30 minutes before scraping the sticker away, but the most user-friendly approach would be to use a convenient ice pack. Hold the ice pack on the sticker for few minutes, allowing it to do its work, then remove the sticker via scraping or peeling afterward.

Alternatively, you could try using a hairdryer or, if you have one, a heat gun. All you need to do is point the hairdryer or heat gun at the offending sticker until it becomes more fluid. Remember not to overdo it; you don’t want to burn the sticker off, as this will just create more of a clean-up job for you. After being well-heated, it is normally enough to simply rub the remaining sticker residue off completely using a cloth.

4. Hot Water

Using hot water to remove stickers from glass is a cheap and eco-friendly alternative to harsh chemical cleaners.
Using hot water to remove stickers from glass is a cheap and eco-friendly alternative to harsh chemical cleaners.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / kboyd)

If your glass item is small enough to soak in hot water, then this is another cheap and natural sticker removal method. Using either very hot water from your faucet or boiled water from a kettle, submerge the stickered glass items in the water and let it soak overnight. The next day you can repeat the process if required or get straight into scrubbing and scraping away the remaining sticker and gummy residue.

5. Mayonnaise or Peanut Butter

Tasty and surprisingly effective at removing stickers from glass.
Tasty and surprisingly effective at removing stickers from glass.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / stevepb)

Yes, this sounds weird, but these are nonetheless proven ways to remove stubborn stickers from glass. Much like other kitchen products such as coconut oil and olive oil, your humble household mayonnaise or peanut butter is a formidable solution to your sticky situation. Generously coat the sticker with either one of these and allow it to sit for 10 to 20 minutes. Afterward, it should be an easy task to scrape away the debris with a minimum of fuss. Repeat the process if necessary. To reduce wasting food, we recommend trying the other methods first. 

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