Sustainability made simple


Vegan certifications

6 Vegan Certifications You Should Know

They usually contain the letter V, the color green, and the shape of a leaf in one form or another — the labels of vegan certifications tend to look similar and can be hard to differentiate. We'll explain the six most important vegan labels you should know about and what they promise. Read more

which way should a fan spin in summer

Which Way Should a Fan Spin in Summer to Save Energy & Cool You Down?

Which way should a fan spin in summer? The direction matters —learn how to cool your home effectively when it's hot out. Read more

period flu symptoms

How to Identify and Treat Period Flu Symptoms Effectively

PMS symptoms vary from person to person and some have it worse than others. Period flu symptoms mimic the flu, but is it the same thing? Read more

biodegradable vs. compostable

Biodegradable vs. Compostable: Why the Difference Matters

Explore the critical differences between biodegradable vs. compostable materials, and learn why this distinction matters to recycling, our environment and future sustainability! Read more

good king henry

Good King Henry: How to Grow, Harvest & Cook the Healthy “Weed”

Good King Henry is a beautiful addition to any garden. We'll show you how to grow, harvest and cook this iron- and vitamin C-rich "weed" to its full potential. Read more

how to get rid of moles, how to get rid of moles in a garden, how to get rid of moles and voles, how to get rid of moles naturally

How to Get Rid of Moles in Your Yard & Keep Them Away

From spoiled milk to dish soap or caster oil, learn how to get rid of moles in your yard with these 6 fast-working natural methods — they work on gophers, too! Read more

is shellac vegan

Is Shellac Vegan? Why Not and What’s in It

Shellac is found in everyday products like furniture polish and food glazes — and it's made using insect secretions. Here's what you need to know. Read more

do plants have feelings

Do Plants Have Feelings? All Sides of the Debate

Do plants have feelings? Can plants feel pain? If you think you know the answer, read on. You won't believe what modern science says about it. Read more