What Is Glitter Made of and Is Bio-Glitter Better?
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It's the biggest trend in crafts, festival makeup and decorations. But what is glitter made of, how is it made and to what cost to the environment? Utopia's got answers.close
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It's the biggest trend in crafts, festival makeup and decorations. But what is glitter made of, how is it made and to what cost to the environment? Utopia's got answers.Read more
Colorful leaves are ideal for decorating and for arts and crafts. We will show you how to preserve the color of the leaves during drying and pressing.Read more
Herbs enrich every dish - especially when they are freshly picked. Why not use your time at home during the coronavirus crisis to grow your very own kitchen herb garden? We'll show you which herbs are best suited for this.Read more
Because of human activity, insects are having a harder and harder time surviving. We’ll show you how you can help, by building your own DIY bug hotel.Read more
Onion skins are almost always bound for the trash or compost. Believe it or not, these vegetable scraps are incredibly healthy and can be easily reused.Read more
Stale bread is not just for the birds! We have some tried and tested stale bread recipes for turning your old loaves into something tasty again.Read more
Going vegan means rejecting all products and ingredients derived from animal sources. Many people decide on this diet because the production of milk, eggs, and leather contributes to the suffering of millions of animals. Your decision doesn’t have to be all or nothing, however – every step counts.Read more
Fresh ginger is a relatively potent spice, so most recipes require only a small amount. What to do with the leftovers? We’ll show you how to store ginger roots and keep them fresh.