Plastic Free July 2021: 10 Ways to Participate
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Plastic Free July is a campaign that aims to help us reduce our plastic consumption. Here are 10 ways to participate in the challenge.close
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Plastic Free July is a campaign that aims to help us reduce our plastic consumption. Here are 10 ways to participate in the challenge.Read more
Bioplastics are used in products from garbage bags to coffee cups. Are these alternatives to conventional plastic really more environmentally friendly?Read more
So, is tap water safe to drink in the United States? Here's why you should put a cap on your bottled water consumption and switch to tap today.Read more
Zero waste toothpaste is the sustainable alternative to wasteful tube toothpastes. Check out Utopia's guide on making the switch to zero waste toothpastes.Read more
Modern consumerism has introduced a lot of stupidity, and with it a mountain of plastic. Are you aware of your plastic footprint? Check out these offenders!Read more
Our consumption habits in the here and now have catastrophic consequences across the entire planet. These pictures of the damage may change your habits.Read more
If you’re concerned about consuming the planet to death, these ten choices are the right ones for you.Read more
Even when it seems that plastic is ubiquitous, we can nevertheless influence its use with our consumer dollar. Going plastic-free is easy: here's how.