Bananas are sweet, filling and nutritious, but did you know some people are allergic to them? We’ll discuss the symptoms of a banana allergy and what latex-fruit syndrome is.
Bananas are a popular fruit, in fact, each American eats more than 22 pounds of bananas per year, that’s a whole lot of bananas! There’s a good reason for this, bananas are a filling, healthy snack, packed full of vitamins such as fiber and potassium. They’re also pretty versatile and can be made into smoothies, cakes, or battered and deep-fried.
But did you know that some people are allergic to bananas? People with banana allergies are also often sensitive to latex. Latex contains allergy-causing proteins which are similar to those found in some fruits, such as bananas — this is known as latex-fruit syndrome. This article will discuss what the latex-fruit syndrome is, what the symptoms of a banana allergy are and what can be done about it. First, let’s get started by learning more about latex-fruit syndrome.
What is Latex-Fruit Syndrome?

Natural rubber latex is a protein from the rubber tree that is used in many everyday items such as toy balloons, soothers, condoms and medical gear like surgical gloves. Sufferers of latex allergy usually feel a reaction such as hives, conjunctivitis and anaphylaxis straight after coming into contact with latex products.
Research was carried out in 1994 to confirm the link between those with a known latex allergy and a suspected banana allergy. It confirmed that half of the patients studied who had a latex allergy also showed positive results for a banana allergy or latex-fruit syndrome — it is believed that the proteins in latex are similar to those in some foods.
People aren’t usually born with a latex allergy, but they can develop over time. Certain people may be more at risk of developing latex-fruit syndrome, such as after frequent latex exposure for those who work in the latex industry or have to wear latex gloves frequently, or babies who had multiple surgeries at a young age and were exposed to lots of medical equipment containing latex.
Other fruits which contain the protein that latex-fruit syndrome sufferers are allergic to include tomatoes, avocados, peaches, bell peppers and kiwis. Let’s move on and learn more about the symptoms of a banana allergy.
Symptoms of a Banana Allergy

Sufferers of a banana allergy usually have an allergic reaction quickly after consuming bananas, sometimes even after just touching them with the skin on. Potential symptoms of a banana allergy include:
- Itchy eyes
- Hives
- A runny nose
- A swollen tongue and throat
- Stomach cramps
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
In extreme cases, it is possible to go into anaphylactic shock due to a banana allergy, as well as the symptoms above, other symptoms include red, itchy skin, lower blood pressure, difficulty breathing and dizziness or fainting. If these more extreme symptoms occur, the sufferer should seek emergency medical help immediately.
Banana Allergy Treatment

As mentioned above, serious allergic reactions to a banana allergy should be treated by a medical professional, however, mild allergic reactions can be treated at home with an antihistamine from the drug store. This will help to reduce hives, itchiness and a runny nose and eyes. Sometimes these mild symptoms may also disappear by themselves, with no further treatment needed.
Those with a banana allergy should avoid any banana-flavored products, including medication and lip balm. Drink and food ingredients should also be checked, as bananas may be added as a natural sweetener. As mentioned above, other fruits to avoid are tomatoes, avocados, peaches, bell peppers and kiwis as well as products that contain latex such as balloons, medical gloves and condoms. Thankfully, it’s relatively easy to find latex-free products these days, including latex-free condoms — just check the packaging carefully.
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- Banana Fiber: The Material for Sustainable Fashion From Tree Waste?
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