Sustainability made simple

How to Clean a Mattress Topper the Eco-Friendly Way

how to clean mattress topper
Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / jeanvdmeulen

Cleaning your mattress topper regularly is not an exciting task, but it should be done all the same. We will show you some easy household solutions for keeping your mattress topper fresh, and clean, without the need for chemical cleaners.

Unless you have no problem buying a new mattress topper once your old one is too dirty or stained, you will want to consider cleaning it naturally and prolonging its lifespan, while obviously saving money (and resources) in the process. You don’t need heavy chemical cleaners for most clean-up jobs and using some natural household ingredients will help protect your mattress topper from getting damaged, whilst still cleaning it thoroughly.

Always Follow Instructions

Mattress toppers can be manufactured using a variety of materials such as foam, cotton, down, egg-crate, plastic backing and so forth. With this in mind, there is no single way of cleaning a mattress topper and you will need to follow the specific care instructions for your particular topper. Your mattress topper will have a label that you can easily refer to before cleaning it in the correct fashion.

Two Easy Methods For Cleaning Your Mattress Topper

Learning how to clean your mattress topper, and doing it regularly, will prevent allergic reactions and skin irritations.
Learning how to clean your mattress topper, and doing it regularly, will prevent allergic reactions and skin irritations.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / congerdesign)

Dry Method

The least time-consuming and effective way to keep your mattress topper clean and in good condition is to employ a dry method of cleaning. This essentially means:

  • Brush off loose dirt/dust and vacuum your topper once a month.
  • Every three months sprinkle some baking soda on your mattress topper and leave for four hours.
  • Then using a vacuum, remove the baking soda – an added bonus is that baking soda is a proven deodorizer and is effective at removing minor sweat stains.

Note: this method won’t work if you’re dealing with heavy stains or dirt. 

Wet Method

For heavier dirt and stains you will need to put in a bit of elbow grease and apply the wet method of cleaning your topper:

  • For liquid spills, it is imperative to act immediately and soak up as much fluid as possible using absorbent paper towel alternatives or a clean cotton cloth.
  • Stubborn mattress topper stains will need a paste mixture of baking soda and water. Firmly scrub the soda paste into the affected area and let it rest for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • The water will eventually evaporate, leaving dry baking soda behind, which will draw any staining out of the mattress topper’s surface.
  • Using a vacuum again, remove the baking soda and allow the mattress topper to air-dry.

Stubborn Stains & Odors on Your Mattress Topper

Lemon juice and warm water is great for dealing with more stubborn spot stains.
Lemon juice and warm water is great for dealing with more stubborn spot stains.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / stevepb)

    Sometimes a simple clean doesn’t eliminate tough stains or odors, so you can use the following tips to give your mattress topper a deeper clean. 

    Supplies That You Might Need

    Whether dealing with a minor stain or more extensive cleaning process for your mattress topper you will need to have the following items on hand:

    • Washing detergent – mild dish-washing detergent is ideal, since you don’t want to damage the mattress topper itself
    • Large dry area for drying your topper, if you don’t have a clothesline handy
    • Clean towels – either recycled absorbent paper towels or textile towel
    • White vinegar, lemon juice & water
    • Glass spray bottle for minor spot cleaning
    • Dryer or fan to help dry the mattress topper after heavier cleaning
    • Vacuum or even better a wet/dry vacuum cleaner

    Again, you may not need all of these items depending on what type of mattress topper you own, but the good news is these are all safe and effective for cleaning virtually any type of material.

    Dealing With Stubborn Stains

    Lemon juice is slightly acidic, which is perfect for breaking down heavier stains on your mattress topper. A combination of sea salt and lemon is particularly effective on urine stains, fungus or mildew and blood stains.

    All you need to do is:

    1. Sprinkle and rub some salt onto the stains first.
    2. Without saturating your mattress topper, add several drops of lemon juice onto the salt and let it rest for 1 hour.
    3. Once done, scrub the stains with a gentle brush, rinse well with warm water and mop up the excess moisture with absorbent towels.
    4. Repeat the process if you are dealing with a particularly stubborn stain.

    Removing Odors From Your Mattress Topper

    So staining has been removed from the mattress topper, but perhaps some unpleasant odors linger. As mentioned earlier, baking soda is great for combating them.

    1. Sprinkle some baking soda evenly across the affected area and let it rest for at least 8 hours – overnight is even better, where possible.
    2. Once done, simply vacuum the baking soda off of the mattress topper. You should notice immediately that the offending odor has gone.
    3. You might need to repeat the process until you are satisfied the job is complete.

    Tips for Regular Maintenance

    Rely on regular vacuuming to keep your mattress topper fresh.
    Rely on regular vacuuming to keep your mattress topper fresh.
    (Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / jarmoluk)

    You really shouldn’t wait for your mattress topper to be visibly dirty before cleaning it. Regular cleaning and maintenance will help you prolong the lifespan of your mattress topper, and will reduce the build-up of dust and allergens that might adversely affect your health.

    Vacuum Your Topper

    Vacuuming your mattress topper once a month will help keep it dust-free and remove lint and dead skin cells which will inevitably accumulate in your bedding. This will also reduce the chance of dust mites making a home in your mattress topper. Again, if it is just a general clean, be sure to use a gentler setting on your vacuum to avoid potential damage to your mattress topper.

    Consider Using A Cover

    Adding a cover to your mattress topper will add another layer of protection. It will not eliminate the need to clean your topper regularly, but it will help in making the chore of cleaning the topper less frequent. If you are using a plastic mattress topper or thicker material cover, it will offer some protection from accidental stains thanks to fluids. Best of all, most mattress topper covers can be removed and washed along with your regular laundry.

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