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How to Get Rid of Spiders in Your Basement: 5 Natural Methods

How to get rid of spiders in basement
Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Godsgirl_madi

Spiders are considered a nuisance and many people are even afraid of them. We show you five natural methods to get rid of spiders in your basement.

Spiders – Should You Get Rid of Them?

Many people don't like our eight-legged friends and wonder how to get rid of spiders in the basement.
Many people don’t like our eight-legged friends and wonder how to get rid of spiders in the basement.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / TRAPHITHO)

Spiders do not have a particularly good reputation. Many people are disgusted by them and science has even coined a specific term for the exaggerated fear of spiders – arachnophobia. However, this fear is often unfounded, because most are completely harmless and even useful. Spiders prey on insects and can thereby get rid of up to hundreds of small flies in one single day. That said, we understand that you might not be a fan of spiders in your own basement. We tell you how you can drive spiders away with natural methods.

1. Spray Your Basement With Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is an ideal natural spider repellent.
Peppermint oil is an ideal natural spider repellent.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / manfredrichter)

Peppermint oil is probably one of the best natural spider repellents. It emits a distinct scent that will drive away many kinds of spiders. Although it remains unclear why spiders don’t like the smell of peppermint, its effectiveness to repel them has been proven by a recent study. One way to use peppermint oil to get rid of spiders is to add some drops of it to a spray bottle filled with water and spray the corners of your basement. Another way to use the oil is to drizzle a few drops of peppermint oil on a handkerchief and place it near the corners. As the scent wears off, you may want to repeat the procedure weekly to prevent the spiders from coming back.

2. Use Chestnut Oil

You can use chestnut oil to get rid of spiders in your basement, too.
You can use chestnut oil to get rid of spiders in your basement, too.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Couleur)

The same study linked above also looked at chestnut oil and found it to be another effective way of repelling spiders. It can be used as a natural spider repellent the same way as peppermint oil. Reapply regularly for best results.

3. Vinegar as a Spider Repellent

Vinegar is a versatile cleaning product, but it also helps to get rid of spiders. Mix vinegar with water and apply the solution every two to three days to dark corners or cracks and other places where spiders like to hide. One benefit of both vinegar and peppermint oil is that they are both effective natural mouse repellents as well.

4. Get Rid of Spiders With Fly Screens

Fly screens make it harder for spiders to enter your basement.
Fly screens make it harder for spiders to enter your basement.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / sandid)

Open doors or windows increase the chance of spiders finding their way into your basement. In this case, installing fly screens might be an idea worth considering. They are effective against spiders in two ways. Firstly, it will be harder for the spiders to enter your basement. Secondly, they might not even want to go there anymore. The reason for this is that spiders rely on little insects to prey on, but these little insects are shut out by fly screens, too.

5. Does Lemon Oil Help?

Lemons are another natural spider repellent used by many people.
Lemons are another natural spider repellent used by many people.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / furbymama)

Many people are convinced that lemons and other citrus fruits are an effective way to get rid of spiders as it is the most recommended spider repellent on the internet. They can be simply cut in slices or used as a lemon oil the same way peppermint oil is used. However, the study linked above has found that lemon oil is not as strong a spider repellent as peppermint and chestnut oil. You can always test it out and see if it’s effective against your spider problem.

How to Savely Remove a Spider

If there is a spider that you want to get rid of immediately, you don’t need to harm or kill it. The easiest way to get rid of it is to catch it with a glass and carefully slide a thin piece of paper underneath. This way you can get the spider outside without much effort.

While most spiders are completely harmless, there are also a few venomous spiders that can be found in the United States such as the black widow or brown recluse spiders. If you’re not sure if there are venomous spiders in your basement, you should consult a professional exterminator.

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