Date Shake: Vegan High-Protein High-Fiber Recipe
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Packed full of protein and fiber, you'll love this healthy banana date shake. It's creamy and filling, giving you a great energy boost to start the day.close
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Packed full of protein and fiber, you'll love this healthy banana date shake. It's creamy and filling, giving you a great energy boost to start the day.Read more
These tasty breakfasts with plant-based eggs are the perfect recipes to continue enjoying your favorite breakfasts. Read on for egg-free breakfast inspiration.Read more
Freezing okra is the best way to save it for a future recipe when it's no longer in season or in stock. Learn how to freeze okra using these two simple methods.Read more
Vegan date scones are buttery, sweet, and easy to bake. Follow this seven-ingredient recipe to make delicious classic pastry.Read more
You might have heard of kombucha, but what is SCOBY? You'll need to grow one in order to make kombucha at home. Find out everything you need to know here.Read more
Can you eat gourds, or are they just for decoration? In this guide, we'll explore this autumnal fruit in more depth and show you how you can use them.Read more
Egg washes give bread rolls and pastries a shiny finish. But did you know they also keep fruits fresh longer? Take a look at this five-minute recipe.Read more
Tahini shakes taste nutty, creamy and sweet and can be enjoyed for breakfast or as a treat with a slice of your favorite cake. Check out this vegan recipe.