Cutting Down and Living Better: How to Stop Drinking Alcohol
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Interested in learning how to stop drinking alcohol? Whatever your reasons, alcohol isn't for everyone. Read here for tips on how to limit your alcohol consumption.close
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Interested in learning how to stop drinking alcohol? Whatever your reasons, alcohol isn't for everyone. Read here for tips on how to limit your alcohol consumption.Read more
Agrihoods are not a new concept. Sustainable communities have existed since civilization began. Their popularity is on the rise as we fight to save our planet. Find out more.Read more
Freezing okra is the best way to save it for a future recipe when it's no longer in season or in stock. Learn how to freeze okra using these two simple methods.Read more
Vegan date scones are buttery, sweet, and easy to bake. Follow this seven-ingredient recipe to make delicious classic pastry.Read more
You might have heard of kombucha, but what is SCOBY? You'll need to grow one in order to make kombucha at home. Find out everything you need to know here.Read more
Stretch marks can affect anybody, and it can be difficult to get rid of them. We'll show you nine easy home remedies for stretch marks to improve your body confidence.Read more
Voluntourism, the practice of combing volunteering with travel abroad, can negatively affect the impacted communities. However, it can also be done ethically and sustainably.Read more
Can you eat gourds, or are they just for decoration? In this guide, we'll explore this autumnal fruit in more depth and show you how you can use them.