Sustainability made simple

Practical Tips

can you bake with wax paper?

Can You Bake With Wax Paper?

Can you use wax paper when baking? It isn't recommended for a number of reasons. Learn why you should switch from wax paper to a more sustainable alternative. Read more

how to fix candle tunneling

How to Prevent and Fix Candle Tunneling

Candle tunneling is a wasteful phenomenon that will see you burn through those candles much quicker than you really should. So what is candle tunneling and what steps can you take to prevent it? Read more

how to clean stainless steel stove

How to Clean a Stainless Steel Stove: 3 All-Natural Methods

Keeping stoves squeaky clean and shiny can be an arduous task. This guide will show you how to clean stainless steel stove without using harsh chemicals. Read more

how to dry mushrooms

How to Dry Mushrooms in the Oven, Dehydrator, or Naturally

Ever wondered how to dry mushrooms at home? Here we explore three easy ways to dry and preserve mushrooms that will allow you to enjoy that earthy flavor long after the expiration date. Read more

how long do farm fresh eggs last

How Long Do Farm Fresh Eggs Last? And How Can You Tell?

While browsing stalls at farmers' markets, do you find yourself wondering how long farm fresh eggs last? We'll take a look at how long they keep, and how to store them properly. Read more

can you recycle styrofoam

Can You Recycle Styrofoam? It’s Complicated

Can you recycle styrofoam? The answer is not as straightforward as you might think. Follow this useful guide on how to properly recycle styrofoam. Read more

how to store ginger

How to Store Ginger Root: 6 Ways to Keep Your Ginger Fresh for Longer

Fresh ginger is a relatively potent spice, so most recipes require only a small amount. What to do with the leftovers? We’ll show you how to store ginger roots and keep them fresh. Read more

How to get rid of mothball smell

How to Get Rid of Mothball Smell in Your Home

What are mothballs and why do they produce such a particular smell? How can you remove this smell from your home? These simple steps will help you get rid of that mothball smell for good. Read more