Easy Vegetarian & Vegan Kimchi Recipe
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Looking for a healthy dish that packs a punch? Adding vegan kimchi is a nutritious way to create some memorable dishes and spice up your diet.close
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Looking for a healthy dish that packs a punch? Adding vegan kimchi is a nutritious way to create some memorable dishes and spice up your diet.Read more
Although peat moss may seem like the ideal soil amendment, using it is incredibly destructive to the environment. Consider using peat moss alternatives instead.Read more
Are all those leftover pineapple peels filling up your compost too quickly? Instead of tossing them, put your pineapple peels to use with some unique recipes.Read more
You may have seen it in Asian grocery stores or on Thai dessert menus, but what is pandan? Read on to explore the benefits and uses of this fragrant tropical leaf.Read more
Introducing America's most underappreciated native superfood, the aronia berry. Read on for aronia berry benefits, plant care, and uses for this mouth-puckering fruit.Read more
Yes, tea decaffeination is a thing. We'll explain the impact of the four commonly used methods on the tea's flavor, and suggest some tasty and sustainable caffeine-free alternatives.Read more
You'll find it listed as an ingredient in most jam recipes, but what is fruit pectin? We'll do a deeper dive into this mystery ingredient, and show you how to make it.Read more
Interested in going vegetarian without the commitment of giving up meat forever? Read on to learn what a flexitarian diet is and if it's right for you.