These home remedies to get rid of flies are natural and safe alternatives to store-bought products. Learn to repel flies naturally with these tricks.
If a fly lands on your food, it’s not only annoying — it’s also unhygienic. Flies can lay eggs on food, garbage, compost and animal waste. We’ll show you some simple, natural home remedies to keep flies at bay.
1. Essential Oil Fly Repellent
You may already have essential oils or scented sachets lying around the house. Place a few drops of lavender or eucalyptus oils in an oil burner or drizzle them onto a sachet as an easy home remedy to get rid of flies and other annoying insects.
2. Scented Plant Barrier

Tomatoes, lavender, geraniums, and basil all produce odors that neither flies nor mosquitoes like. If you plant these on your balcony, terrace, or window boxes, you create a kind of natural scent barrier that helps keep pests outside.
3. Homemade Fly Trap
If you are unable to get rid of flies using either of the last two methods, you can also build your own fly trap.
- A few inch-wide pieces of sturdy newspaper
- Some honey
- A paintbrush
- A holepunch
- String
- Punch holes at the top end of the paper strips and string them along one single piece of string (so that you can later hang your fly trap on the wall).
- Carefully paint honey evenly onto the paper strips. Make sure that the honey is applied thinly enough so that it doesn’t drip. The flies will be attracted by the sweet scent and will remain stuck to the strips.
- Hang it on the wall in the room(s) where the flies tend to appear.
Tips for Avoiding Flies

It’s easier to prevent flies coming into your home in the first place than to deal with the problem afterwards. Here are a few easy preventative measures you can take:
- Store food carefully. Half-empty juice glasses, cans of soda and open food items are irresistible to flies. It’s especially important not to leave food out in summer.
- Dispose of rotting fruit. Rotting fruit is a breeding ground for flies because of its high moisture content. After laying their eggs inside, it can take less than eight hours at room temperature for the first larvae to appear. Always check your fruit bowls for signs of rot and remove any bad fruit immediately.
- Empty trash cans often. This is particularly important when the weather is warm. Invest in a trash can that seals tightly to keep flies out entirely.
Read more:
This article was translated from German into English. You can view the original here: Fliegen vertreiben: die besten Hausmittel gegen Stubenfliegen.
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