Positive affirmations for self-love can go a long way in healing and helping your mindset so that you can tackle each day with confidence and kindness toward yourself.
While positive affirmations may seem corny or self-indulgent, there is a real need for them. This is because people are often their own harshest critics. They say unfair, untrue, and hurtful things to themselves without realizing the harmful effects of negative self-talk. Positive affirmations for self-love are there to combat this hyper-critical mindset and prevent people from self-sabotaging.
Positive affirmations can help people gain confidence, improve self-esteem, and an overall more complimentary outlook on life. You can use positive affirmations in times of need, or on a consistent daily basis. They serve to elevate your mindset and remind you to treat yourself with the kindness you would a loved one. This is just one of many steps toward learning self-love.
There are many different types of self-affirmations which may apply to you. Feel free to personalize the affirmation prompts below based on what you want to focus on or what you feel is pertinent to you.
Affirmations for the Body
Use affirmations for the body if you need to take steps toward gaining a more positive body image. One way to use these prompts is to say them out loud to yourself in the mirror when you are getting changed in the morning.
- I feel comfortable in my body.
- My body is powerful and it is mine.
- I am proud of my body and all that it does for me.
- I accept my body as it is.
- I do not harbor resentment for my body.
- I release self-criticism and honor my body.
- I nurture my body and give it what it needs.
- I give my body permission to change.
- My body is exactly how it is meant to be.
- I do not need to alter my body for anyone or anything.
Worthiness Affirmations

Worthiness affirmations serve to prevent you from doubting yourself. Use these positive affirmations for self love to remind yourself of who you are and what you deserve, because you deserve to feel great about yourself!
- I deserve to be happy.
- I am respected and loved by others.
- I approve of myself.
- I am a unique and special person and I love that about myself.
- I am enough.
- I treat myself with kindness.
- I am worthy of all good things.
Mindful Affirmations

Use affirmations for mindfulness to keep yourself grounded in the moment. When you are feeling overwhelmed, you can turn to some of these prompts. We also recommend gratitude journaling for mindful happiness.
- Everything will unfold the way it is meant to.
- I am rooted in this present moment.
- My breath is my anchor.
- This moment is not defined by my thoughts.
- My feelings are not facts.
- I will not worry about things I cannot control.
- I will tackle this one step at a time.
Confidence Affirmations

Improve your confidence by reciting these positive affirmations for self love which focus on strength and respect for yourself.
- I am strong, confident and capable.
- I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
- I feel confident to be my full and true self.
- I seize opportunities in life.
- I love, respect and trust myself.
- I am my own biggest cheerleader.
- I let go of negative thoughts and feelings about myself.
- My thoughts and opinions are valuable.
- I make a difference in the world.
- I am important.
Read more:
- Morning Affirmations: 10 Positive Ways To Start Your Day
- How to Write a Journal and Make it a Habit: Benefits of Journal Writing
- 12 Different Types of Journals for Staying Mindful
Important Information regarding Health-related Topics.
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