Though there's nothing wrong with being introverted, you may be interested in learning how to show more extroverted characteristics. Learn how an introvert can become more extroverted.
The terms ‘extrovert‘ and ‘introvert‘ were coined by psychiatrist Carl Jung over one hundred years ago. Put simply, extroverts are thought to gain energy by spending time with other people. Introverts, on the other hand, require alone time in order to recharge. In practice, extroverts are often individuals who are outgoing, talkative and full of energy in social settings. Introverts enjoy spending time alone and in small groups of loved ones. Though introversion often gets confused with being shy, being introverted does not mean one is fearful or has a dislike for others.
While it can be helpful, this method of categorizing all people into one of two different personality types has been criticized for its limitations. People are deeply nuanced, as are the contexts we find ourselves in. Therefore, it can be hard to know if you’re an introvert or an extrovert. Energy for social situations can vary immensely depending on the event and those attending. On the other hand, many social and high-energy people need alone time every now and then as well. It’s totally possible to have extroverted traits and still enjoy and value spending time alone.
It’s best to keep in mind that extroversion and introversion are found on a spectrum, and a flawed spectrum at that. The spectrum psychologists use can only tell people how introverted or extroverted they are in an average situation. Human beings are not that black and white, and many situations we come across are not average. This means there will always be loopholes in this method of characterization. Use it to your advantage, but try not to take it too seriously.
Extroverts: Strengths and Weaknesses
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Ri_Ya)
- Self-confidence: Extroverts are high confidence in who they are and the opinions they hold.
- Social settings: Extroverts are comfortable in social settings. They are good at meeting new people, making lots of connections and friendships along the way.
- Expressive: Extroverts are good at expressing their emotions.
- Networking: Extroverts are good at small talk. They can be charming and fun to talk to, which makes networking easy for them.
- Center of attention: Often known as the life of the party, extroverts love being the center of attention.
- Deep friendships: Deeper connections can be difficult for extroverts, as they may be focused on quantity over quality.
- Steamrolling others: Extroverts can be aggressive and dominant in their opinions, often steamrolling and upsetting others.
- Difficulty spending time alone: Extroverts may have a difficult time relaxing or doing work on their own, as they often require external stimulation.
- Poor listeners: Extroverts may talk so much they prevent themselves from being good listeners for their loved ones.
- Easily bored: Extroverts may have a reliance on others to be happy
Introverts: Strengths and Weaknesses

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / furry_portraits)
- Emotional intelligence: Introverts enjoy spending time alone with their thoughts. They are inherently introspective, which helps them understand their own emotions as well as others.
- Forming deep friendships: Introverts prioritize deep connections, rather than many shallow friendships.
- Internal motivation: Introverts don’t require external motivation to stay focused on their work.
- Good listeners: Introverts are often good at listening to others and giving thoughtful advice.
- Social anxiety: Introverts are more likely to be anxious in social situations, making both professional networking and small talk with strangers difficult.
- People pleasing: Because introverts have a hard time speaking up and sharing their opinions, they are more inclined to go with the flow and try to please others.
- Spotlight: Introverts do not do well when they are the center of attention. This can make presentations and certain social settings difficult for them.
Tips for Being More Extroverted

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / justifotka)
Psychologists find that introversion is a relatively stable character trait, influenced by genetics and environmental factors. There are basic biological differences between introverts and extroverts. Still, there are a few changes an introvert can make in order to become more extroverted. You won’t be able to change your entire personality, but you may increasingly be able to handle confrontation, enjoy large social settings, go on dates, and network with professionals. All you have to do is fake it ’til you make it.
- Say ‘yes’ more often: Say ‘yes’ to invitations to dinners, parties, BBQs, and movie nights. Put yourself out of your comfort zone and you might have a lot more fun than you think.
- Bring along a friend: When you’re nervous about a certain event, bring a close friend if possible. This creates a social buffer for you to feel more at home, while still engaging with others.
- Celebrate yourself: Introverts often avoid celebrating their birthdays and their achievements, because they don’t like being the center of attention. Next time you have a special day coming up, try and let people appreciate you by throwing a small party or picnic for you to celebrate. You can keep it small, inviting only best friends and close family. Still, this will help you practice becoming more extroverted, while having fun with the people who matter to you most.
- Speak up: Don’t let people steamroll you! If you have an idea or opinion, say so. This can be really scary, as it puts you at the center of attention, but you’ll find that the more you do so, the easier it gets. You can also start small. If you are uncomfortable confronting somebody, try speaking up about smaller things which you normally wouldn’t, such as what flavor of muffins to get for the office breakfast.
- Talk more: In general, try to engage more in small talk and see where it leads. Small talk can be awkward, but it may help you make friends.
- Invite people over: Socialize in the comfort of your own home by inviting people over for dinner or a movie night. This way, you can step a bit out of your comfort zone without it being too scary. Invite your best friends, plus one or two new people you want to get to know better.
- Set specific, achievable goals: Instead of vaguely committing to becoming more extroverted, set real goals for yourself. This may include making a new friend by the end of the summer, going on one blind date this month or committing to attending a party for at least one hour. Think about what you want to gain from putting energy into being more extroverted, and go do it!
Read more:
- Emotional Resilience: Training Yourself to Cope
- “Aro” and “Ace”: Understanding the Difference and Relevance
- How to Make Good Choices When Facing Tough Decisions
Important Information regarding Health-related Topics.
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