Stink bugs are a common pest that can find their way into your home during the colder months. With a few simple home remedies, you can easily get rid of them.
Stink bugs are garden and household pests that get their name from their characteristic odor. When frightened or crushed, they produce an unpleasant, cilantro-like stench. Aside from this, you can also identify stink bugs from their brown, shield-shaped bodies.
Stink bugs usually seek shelter in homes during the colder months. You might find them in sunny spots around your house or in your garden, snacking on your fruit trees. Once you discover a few stink bugs nearby, you will probably see more in the coming weeks because they emit a scent that attracts others once they have found a place to shelter for the winter. In order to prevent an infestation, you can use these home remedies to get rid of stink bugs.
1. Prevention Is the Best Remedy

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / 901263)
If you live along the east or west coast of the USA or in the southwest where stink bugs live, the best way to get rid of stink bugs is to prevent an infestation before it starts. When the temperatures start to dip, it’s a good idea to go around your home to seal off any potential points of entry. You can use silicone or silicone-latex caulk to fix any points where a pipe exits your home or any cracks near doorways and windows. You can also prune any branches that come close to your house since stink bugs could use them as a convenient ladder after having a snack.
Additionally, you can prevent stink bug infestations by changing out your outdoor light bulbs. Like many insects, stink bugs are naturally attracted to light. However, they are less attracted to yellowish light. You might therefore want to consider changing your porch light to one that is less attractive to bugs, such as this one, which is available on Amazon**.
2. Essential Oils

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / silviarita)
If you don’t manage to prevent an infestation in time, the first home remedy you can use to get rid of stink bugs is an essential oil spray. This is a great no-kill remedy, which in addition to being more humane, will prevent stink bugs from emitting their characteristic stench.
Stink bugs are repelled by strong herbal scents, and there are many different essential oils that they do not like. For example:
- Peppermint
- Mint
- Ylang Ylang
- Patchouli
- Clove
You can add a few drops of essential oil to water and use a sprayer to disperse around your home. Make sure to choose a scent that you like, though, since you will be smelling it everywhere!
3. Vinegar and Soap Water

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / kaboompics)
Another easy home remedy that gets rid of stink bugs is made of simple items you use every day in your kitchen. In addition to herbal scents, stink bugs are also repelled by the strong scent of vinegar and most commercial soaps. For this remedy, you will need:
- 1 part dish soap
- 2 parts white vinegar
- 4 parts hot water
- A sprayer
Just mix together the soap, white vinegar, and hot water before spraying it around your house. Since this remedy does not smell as nice as the essential oils, you might want to focus on spraying areas near windows or doorways, or dark corners where stink bugs are more likely to be.
4. Catnip

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / rebeck96)
Another home remedy for getting rid of stink bugs harnesses the characteristic scent of catnip. By placing the plant around your house, you can discourage these insects from sheltering in your home, as well as add some green decor. If you already have one plant and don’t want to buy a whole new one, you can try water propagation to multiply your catnip supply. A good place to place your plant(s) would be around windows, which will ensure they get an adequate amount of light during the colder months, and will also make entry points less appealing to stink bugs.
5. Homemade Plastic Bottle Trap

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / pasja1000)
To add a sustainability angle to your anti-stink bug tactics, you can upcycle old plastic bottles into a kill-free trap for stink bugs. For this home remedy, you’ll need:
- A plastic bottle
- A boxcutter knife
- Tape
- A small LED light, such as this electric tea candle, available on Amazon**
Then, follow these steps:
- Cut off the upper fifth of the bottle using your boxcutter.
- Place the LED light at the bottom of the bottle.
- Invert the top (with the cap removed) and insert it into the remaining part of the bottle.
- Secure the two pieces of the bottle together with tape.
- Your trap is now ready! Place it somewhere dark where the light will attract stink bugs. Once they are inside, the inverted bottle shape will make it difficult for the insects to escape. You can empty the bottle outside once you have collected enough insects.
By using these home remedies, you can prevent stink bugs from getting comfortable in your home during the colder months.
Read more:
- How to Get Rid of Aphids: Helpful Home Remedies
- How to Get Rid of Moles in Your Yard: 5 Home Remedies
- Keep Your Houseplants Alive: 10 Tips for Healthy Indoor Plants
Important Information regarding Health-related Topics.
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