Tuina massage is the oldest form of bodywork therapy, based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. We’ll tell you the potential benefits, as well as the basics of how to do Tuina massage.
Tuina massage has been practiced in China for over 5000 years. Tuina focuses on balancing the flow of qi energy, which is the vital life force of the body. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that any energy imbalances or blockages can cause pain, inflammation and illness within the body. The basic movements of Tuina massage are reflected in its name; ‘Tui’ which means push, and ‘Na’ which means pull. The therapy has similarities to the Swedish massage techniques, as it is intended for medical purposes in order to alleviate specific pains or problems, rather than to be relaxing. Practitioners of Tuina massage use their finger, hand, elbow, knee or foot to apply pressure in order to remove blockages and restore the positive energy of the body. It is practiced for its many notable health benefits.
What Are the Potential Benefits?
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / KaiMiano)
Tuina massage therapy is used for people of all ages. The benefits to Tuina massage include that it:
- Focuses on a specific problem. This makes Tuina beneficial in reducing pain all over the body, including of in the neck, shoulders, hips, back and knees. If you suffer from arthritis, pain, sciatica and muscle spasms, Tuina could be very effective at alleviating some of the symptoms. A 2018 study found that Tuina massage is a cost-effective treatment for reducing chronic neck pain.
- Boosts circulation. Tuina massage boosts circulation by stimulating the body’s energy flow. A 2018 study conducted on middle-aged Korean men found that Tuina massage improved vascular compliance, compared to men who did not receive any treatment.
- Alleviates stress and associated complaints. These include insomnia and headaches. A 2022 study has found that Tuina is an effective treatment for senile insomnia.
- Alleviates symptoms of constipation. A 2021 review has found that Tuina massage is an effective treatment for functional constipation.
- Treats depression. A 2015 review of studies concluded that Tuina massage has a positive effect on alleviating symptoms of depression, and that it can be considered a non-pharmacologic treatment for depression.
- Improves the quality of life for cancer patients. Tuina can help to manage symptoms for people with cancer. A 2016 meta-analysis found that Tuina massage was effective in improving the quality of life in people with terminal cancer, when combined with acupuncture.
- Helps with breastfeeding. Tuina massage can also be used to encourage postpartum lactation. A 2012 study found that Tuina massage on breasts increases lactation, compared to women who did not receive the treatment.
The Basics of Tuina Massage

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / whitesession)
Tuina is based on the massage technique AnMo. This technique involves pressing (An) and stroking (Mo) movements, and includes many different grip techniques. These techniques can include kneading, pressing, rolling, shaking, and stretching. When performing a Tuina massage, the aim is to stimulate the body’s pressure points in the same way that acupuncture does. Stimulating pressure points influences the flow of energy through the body, and also works to realign muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons. Four of the main Tuina massage techniques include:
- The rolling method. This focuses on massaging soft tissue to help alleviate joint pain and muscle sprains.
- The one-finger pushing method. This uses acupressure techniques to treat internal disease.
- The Nei Gung method. This focuses on exercises that generate ‘Nei Gong qi’, which starts inside the body and works outwards. This method is practiced to revitalize depleted energy systems in the body.
- The bone setting methods. This method may be useful for people with joint injuries and nerve pain. It focuses on realigning the musculoskeletal system.
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