The best ways to quit smoking are not as simple as going ‘cold turkey’ for everyone. Read on to learn about the best ways to quit smoking and start your path to a smoke-free life.
Quitting smoking can be a daunting task. Whatever reason you’ve decided to quit — good for you. You have made probably the most important health decision of your life.
There might be a few tough moments ahead. Luckily, there are a number of tips and tricks you can do to help you quit smoking for good. Follow these tips on the best ways to quit smoking and start your journey towards a healthier, cleaner and happier life.
1. Admit You Have an Addiction
The first step to recovery is admitting that you in fact have a problem and understanding the gravity of the situation. Many smokers may find it easy to convince themselves that they are choosing to smoke out of their own free will, when in fact they are suffering from an addiction to tobacco.
By admitting to yourself that you are in fact addicted to smoking, only then can you truly begin your journey towards recovery.
2. Seek Support

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / truthseeker08)
The best way to quit smoking is to surround yourself with support. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed, or think you can get over this alone. Perhaps you can. But there is no weakness or shame in asking for guidance and help. By joining local support groups or following a program, you may find that the support team behind you is the extra push you need to get you over your addiction. Or, better yet, reach out to family and friends who are smokers and get them to stop with you. This will help with the social aspects of quitting smoking too.
3. Nicotine Patches
Going full ‘cold turkey’ when you are trying to quit smoking is not always the best way to quit smoking. For some, withdrawal symptoms can be more extreme, increasing the risk of falling back into bad habits. Try vapes, nicotine patches or nicotine gum to begin with when your cravings surge in the first few weeks. Then, lower the nicotine in these right to a minimum, before you’re able to stop using them altogether.
4. Find Other Ways to Relax
Many people get addicted to smoking because they believe it relaxes them. This is not true at all — smoking raises your heart rate and blood pressure. However, exercise, listening to music, treating yourself to a massage or taking up a new hobby are just some ways to blow off steam and to ease any symptoms you may be having. They’re also good rewards to look forward to after important milestones of quitting, such as the first week, month or social event.
5. Clean Start

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / jarmoluk)
When you have smoked your last cigarette, rid your home of all traces of cigarettes and tobacco. Get rid of ashtrays and lighters, clean your clothes, carpets and bed sheets that may have lingering smells of smoke. The same goes for your car and office if you smoked in those spaces as well. Fewer reminders of smoking will increase your chances of quitting successfully.
6. Avoid Alcohol

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / 4924546)
It’s common to have a cigarette while having a drink. Over time, your brain associates smoking with drinking, which makes the addiction stronger. Avoiding alcohol when you are trying to quit smoking is a helpful trick to limit your cravings. What’s more, once under the influence of alcohol, our abilities to overcome sudden urges and cravings are weakened. So although not the most appealing tip for quitting smoking, it really could pay off in the long run. This is especially important as smoking is thought to increase the severity of brain damage associated with excessive alcohol consumption.
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- Why Sitting is Considered the New Smoking
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Important Information regarding Health-related Topics.
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