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Where Do Mosquitoes Go in Winter and Why?

where do mosquitoes go in winter
Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Gab-Rysia

Where do mosquitoes go in winter? It turns out that there is a good reason why you may not see these notoriously pesky insects during the colder months.

There are over 200 types of mosquitoes in the US, and they are often found in states with hotter climates such as Florida, Louisiana, Texas, and Alabama. Their ideal temperature range sits between 70°F and 80°F, which is why they are often found in the warmer states of the country.

However, when temperatures drop below 60°F and 50°F, mosquitoes do not function as well. This is because they are cold-blooded, meaning that they thrive in hot weather, but struggle to regulate their body temperature in colder settings. So, where do mosquitoes go in winter when temperatures begin to drop?

Where Do Mosquitoes Go in Winter?

Where do mosquitos go in winter? They like to hibernate in tight cracks in trees and logs.
Where do mosquitos go in winter? They like to hibernate in tight cracks in trees and logs. (Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / makamuki0)

So, where do mosquitoes go in winter? The answer may come as quite a surprise. Many people may assume that mosquitoes migrate to hotter climates during the winter months, much like birds often do. However, this isn’t actually true when it comes to these blood-sucking critters.

During the winter months, mosquitoes actually go into hibernation in a variety of places, including trees, logs, the ground, or other small cracks and holes where they can shield themselves from predators and the winter elements. Their eggs also survive the winter months as well and usually hatch during springtime, when temperatures begin to rise again.

However, during winter time in warmer regions, if the temperatures remain above 50°F, there is usually no reason for a mosquito to hibernate. Instead, it will carry on going about its normal life. This is fairly typical in tropical areas of the world, which often boast regularly high temperatures.

In addition, climate change may have an effect on mosquito seasons around the world. As winters get warmer in some places, mosquito populations may also increase. Thankfully, there are some great methods that you can use to ward off these pesky insects once and for all. They’re all natural and fairly straightforward too!

How to Keep Mosquitoes at Bay

You can ward off mosquitoes with lavender plants.
You can ward off mosquitoes with lavender plants. (Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Pitsch)

If you’re concerned about mosquitoes getting into small spaces in your house and wreaking havoc, don’t worry, there are some natural repellents involving essential oils that you can use to ward them off. Some of these oils include citronella oil, lemongrass, lavender, and peppermint oil. There are also many plants to naturally repel mosquitos that you can plant in your garden.

On the other hand, if you end up being bitten by one of these pesky insects, there are some great natural home remedies for mosquito bites that you can try. Some of these remedies include honey, aloe vera, and crushed ice, to name a few.

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