Acid Mine Drainage: Why Is It Such a Big Threat?
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Acid mine drainage is highly acidic waste from mining sites that has detrimental environmental and economic effects. Keep reading to find out why it is such a big threat.close
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Acid mine drainage is highly acidic waste from mining sites that has detrimental environmental and economic effects. Keep reading to find out why it is such a big threat.Read more
Dryer lint doesn't have to go straight into the garbage. You can repurpose dryer lint in these surprising and fun ways. Read on to learn how to re-use it!Read more
Whether you're an experienced journal writer or a total novice, these journal prompts are perfect for helping adults stay mindful, focused, healthy and happy.Read more
A vegan lifestyle doesn't mean you have to steer clear of alcohol altogether, but there are some ingredients to avoid. Here's a guide on how to pick vegan alcohol and drinks.Read more
Thermal pollution is a real and persistent problem in our modern society. The effects of thermal pollution illustrate how changes in temperature can have detrimental effects on the environment.Read more
Ever wondered whether hairspray is actually good for you or for the environment? Here's a quick guide to everything you need to know and how you can make sustainable choices.Read more
The term ‘bioeconomy’ means that fossil resources are replaced with renewable ones – it’s an important component of any sustainable economy. Let’s explain what bioeconomy is all about.Read more
Because of human activity, insects are having a harder and harder time surviving. We’ll show you how you can help, by building your own DIY bug hotel.