The following recent documentaries and movies about sustainability demonstrate why being an environmentalist is crucial to the health of our planet and humanity.
1. Don't Look Up
(Foto: Screenshot Netflix "Don't Look Up")
Don’t Look Up is a dark comedy Netflix movie about sustainability and environmentalism. This 2021 satirical film discusses climate change through the metaphor of two astronomers warning society about an approaching comet that will destroy all life on Earth. The movie shows humanity’s response to climate change is insufficient and almost comical. Government officials, politicians, celebrities, media and individuals are all responsible and must do better. Star actors Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence make this movie one to remember. It’s thought-provoking and symbolic while still funny and entertaining.
Check out the movie and trailer on Netflix.
2. Seaspiracy

(Foto: Screenshot: YouTube/Netflix)
Seaspiracy, the sequel to Cowspiracy, is a 2021 Netflix documentary about marine life. The filmmaker goes across the world and follows the dolphin hunt to uncover global corruption which is hurting ocean life. Seaspiracy is a great film for those passionate about our oceans, and for those who want to learn about the global politicization of climate change.
Check out the documentary and trailer on Netflix.
3. Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / designerpoint)
Breaking Boundaries is a call-to-action documentary that explains our situation in the climate crisis and what needs to be done. This 2021 Netflix film explains the science behind our planet’s health and how ecological and wildlife health is deeply connected to human health. This inspirational movie about sustainability calls on us to fight climate change before it is too late.
Check out the documentary and trailer on Netflix.
4. 2040

(Foto: Screenshot ©
The Australian production 2040 takes us on a journey into the future: How do we want to live in 2040 – and what condition will our planet be in when that year rolls around? Contrary to the sobering tone of many popular environmental documentaries, the film attempts to provide an alternative take: “I think there’s room for a different story, a story that focuses on the solutions to some of these problems,” outlines Damon Gameau in the movie trailer. The award-winning director presents projects, technologies and individuals that give us reasons for hope. The film spotlights the ideas and visions for the future of those who will live in it: children from all around the world.
Check out the documentary and trailer on Amazon** and Netflix.
5. Our Planet

(Foto: Screenshot @ Our Planet (Netflix))
Our Planet is the only series recommendation included in this list – and all 8 episodes will leave you on the edge of your seat. The film crew made lengthy treks to some of the earth’s most remote locations — from the merciless frontier of global warming in the arctic to remote rivers and rainforests in the Amazon. The result: jaw-dropping images of some of the world’s most pristine (and threatened) wonders.
Filmed using some of the industry’s newest technologies, Our Planet brings you up close to nature at its finest with breathtaking shots of animals and landscapes. The 2019 documentary also brings to light the man-made threats to these natural wonders, such as the encroaching side-effects of global warming on a wide range of animals and their habitats.
Check out the documentary and trailer on Netflix.
6. Water & Power: A California Heist

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / ronymichaud)
Water & Power is a 2017 documentary by National Geographic. The film uncovers the corruption in California’s water system, showing how water has become a valuable resource used by the elite to exploit everyday citizens and small farmers. Water & Power shows why water as a privately owned resource is inherently problematic for our planet. This is a great movie for those interested in the politicization of environmental crises.
Check out the documentary and trailer on Amazon**.
7. Flint

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / JerzyGorecki)
Based on a true story, Flint is a 2017 drama that uncovers the horrific water lead poisoning scandal in Flint, Michigan. A completely preventable, human-caused emergency that was ignored for years, the crisis has had a major effect on the people of Flint. This movie shows the political corruption involved in the crisis while giving hope to the power of the people. With resistance led by Black women and many mothers, the story of Flint is a reminder of both “good guys” and “bad guys” in the climate crisis.
Check out the movie and trailer on Amazon**.
8. The Age of Consequences

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / robertwaghorn)
This 2016 Emmy nominated documentary discusses climate change through the unique perspective of US national security. The Age of Consequences demonstrates how climate change influences further crises including war, failed states, terrorism and more. These are impacts we are already seeing, and they will get much worse in time. The Age of Consequences is a wake-up call for us to reverse the effects of climate change before we are inundated with refugees and war.
Check out the documentary and trailer on Amazon**.
9. Before the Flood

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / makabera)
Before the Flood is a 2016 National Geographic documentary following Leonardo DiCaprio and his efforts to learn about and fight climate change. This movie discusses how the environmental crisis and its effects can be reversed so as to prevent mass extinction, death of our ecosystems and death of humanity. Before the Flood is an informational, engaging documentary with a stacked cast including Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Elon Musk, Ban Ki-moon, NASA scientists, activists and conservationists.
Check out the documentary and trailer on Amazon**.
10. The Ivory Game

(Foto: Trailer Sreenshot © Vulcan Productions)
The Ivory Game is a 2016 must-watch documentary on the shocking consequences of the illegal ivory trade across the globe. A group of documentarians go undercover to reveal the black-market trade routes poached ivory travels from kill-site to sale. The film also sheds light on the role poachers and merchants play in the decimation of African elephants. This sobering and informative documentary was produced in part by Leonardo DiCaprio.
Check out the documentary and trailer on Netflix.
11. A Plastic Ocean

(Foto: Screenshot © A Plastic Ocean)
This 2016 environmental documentary reveals the sheer extent of the growing problem of plastic in the ocean. The film serves as a reminder of the serious consequences our single-use culture of convenience consumption can have on the environment and why it’s immediately important to rethink how you consume.
Over a span of five years and in widespread locations around the globe, film crews captured sobering footage of the oceans’ plastic pollution. The documentary also presents current technologies and political solutions to the pollution problem and examines the potential for change on a worldwide scale.
The renowned British scientist and documentarian Sir David Attenborough has called A Plastic Ocean “one of the most important films of our time”. Movies about sustainability don’t get higher credentials than that.
Check out the documentary and trailer on Amazon** and Netflix.
12. Ten Billion

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / shawnkonopaski)
Based on a study by Microsoft’s Stephen Emmott, this 2015 film discusses the projection that our population will have reached 10 billion by 2050. The increased demand for our resources will accelerate climate change dramatically, yet humanity refuses to accept this fact or the fact that the planet’s natural resources are limited. Overpopulation is a very real danger we face in the midst of the climate crisis. Ten Billion acknowledges our part as individuals in saving our future.
Check out the documentary and trailer on Amazon**.
13. Minimalism

(Foto: CC0 Public Domain / Unsplash - Isaac Benhesed)
Put together by The Minimalists duo Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, this documentary from 2015 examines various facets of the growing minimalist movement.
Alongside interviews with architects, designers, musicians and businessmen, Fields and Nicodemus share their own personal narratives of material want and fleeting content throughout their pursuit of happiness. Both lived through the corporate rat race, had comfortable pay-checks and were yet never without want. At some point, they decided enough is enough and swapped their consumer lifestyle for one that focuses on simple living, and freeing up time and space for the more important things in life.
If you’re interested in becoming minimalist or already practicing minimalist living, this documentary is a great start.
Check out the documentary and trailer on Netflix.
14. How to Change the World

(Foto: Screenshot @ Madman Films "How to Change the World" Movie Trailer )
The How to Change the World documentary from 2015 chronicles the previously untold story of the beginnings of what we know as the modern environmental movement. This documentary from the British writer-director Jerry Rothwell incorporates previously unseen footage of a young group of Canadian environmental activists as they set out to put a stop to Richard Nixon’s nuclear bomb tests in Amchitka, Alaska in 1971. The film highlights the group’s leader, Robert Hunter, and his role in the creation of the organization we all know as Greenpeace.
Check out the documentary and trailer on Amazon**.
15. Cowspiracy

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / RyanMcGuire)
Initially crowdfunded and later produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, this 2014 documentary covers the impact of animal agriculture on the environment and examines its overall contributing role to climate change. The documentary spotlights various environmental concerns resulting from mass animal agriculture such as water use, deforestation and ocean dead zones.
Cowspiracy, which is sometimes criticized for being one-sided, takes a look at policies put forth by environmental organizations in effort to curb the widespread consequences of mass farming. The same production team (Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn) went on to produce another documentary in 2017 called What the Health.
Check out the documentary and trailer on Amazon** and Netflix.
16. More than Honey

(Foto: CC0 Public Domain / Unsplash - Matthew T Rader)
It is quite clear that the consequences will be dire if bees go extinct. Precisely this scenario is explored by Swiss director Markus Imhoof in his award-winning documentary More than Honey from 2012, which provides an in-depth look into the worldwide decrease in bee populations in recent years. Beautiful cinematography coupled with an informative analysis of the essential role bees play in modern society makes this a film well worth a watch.
Check out the documentary and trailer on Amazon**.
Looking for environmental documentaries on Netflix specifically? Check out 2022’s Best Netflix Eco Docs.
Read more:
- The 16 Best Earth Day 2022 Activities to Save the Planet
- Plastic Pollution in the Ocean: What Can I Do About It?
- Conserving Energy: 10 Ways to Save Electricity
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