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3 Garam Masala Substitutes + DIY Recipe

garam masala substitute
Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / LaszloBartucz

All out of garam masala? Don’t worry, we have some ideas for that spicy garam masala substitute, all you need are a few key spices and an open mind.

Garam masala is a common spice used in Indian cuisine. It is a warming blend of a number of other spices, such as coriander, cumin, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, peppercorns, cardamom, mustard seeds, caraway seeds, mace, and cloves. It should not be mistaken for ‘curry powder’ which is, surprisingly, a British invention. Garam masala is often stronger than curry powders, but if you can’t source it, it is good to know there are some reliable garam masala substitutes.

The spices that go into garam masala are often toasted in a dry pan to release the flavors before grinding. For best results, use up your garam masala before the use-by date as the spices can go stale. This is particularly noticeable in cheaper brands where lower-quality spices are used or omitted.

It is not unusual for garam masala to be comprised of 20-30 ingredients. This is another reason why it is possible to concoct a garam masala substitute when you have run out, or noticed yours is well past its best.

The Best 3 Garam Masala Substitutes

Look at your current spice rack to see how you can make a garam masala substitute.
Look at your current spice rack to see how you can make a garam masala substitute. (Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Veganamente)

Here are our top 3 spice mixes to perk up your dishes:

  1. Cumin and Allspice: This takes a lot of the leg work away, as all-spice is already a blend (and its taste is like cinnamon, nutmeg pepper, and cloves). Use at a ratio of 1 part cumin with ¼ part allspice.
  2. Chinese Five Spice: This is a quick and easy garam masala substitute, and is very similar in taste. Both contain fennel, cinnamon, and cloves, but five spice lacks ingredients such as caraway seeds and cardamom. You can substitute at an equal ratio of 1:1.
  3. Coriander, Cumin, Peppercorn, and Cardamom: This mix is simple and tasty. Just mix 1 part coriander, with ½ part cumin & black peppercorns and ¼ part green cardamom pods.

Our Favorite DIY Recipe

No need to miss out on taste with this DIY garam masala substitute.
No need to miss out on taste with this DIY garam masala substitute. (Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / joannawielgosz)

If you are looking for a garam masala substitute in a hurry, and don’t want to use the above, or try and find the 20-30 spices needed? Here is a brilliant DIY recipe that will do the trick in no time at all.


  • Coriander
  • Black peppercorn
  • Cumin
  • Cinnamon
  • Cloves
  • Nutmeg
  • Curry powder (yes, it’s a bit of a cheat…)


  1. Use a ratio of 1 part cumin, to ⅓ parts of a combination of any other of the ingredients.
  2. For the finest results, mix in a blender, rather than by hand.

Tip: Toast the spices first over medium heat for a minute or two to draw out the flavors.

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