Ever wondered how to grow a lemon tree from seed? Lemon trees are beautiful plants bursting with color and texture. These citrus trees can be enjoyed by all.
The great news is that you can introduce these same lovely lemon trees into your home at almost no extra expense. So grab your lemon and follow this step-by-step guide on how to grow a lemon tree from seed.
Can You Grow a Lemon Tree from Seed?
Yes, you can most definitely grow a lemon tree from seed. But be warned, a lemon seed will not necessarily grow to be the same as its parent plant. In fact, the chances of a lemon tree grown from seed producing lots of ripe and edible lemons are pretty slim.
But, you could always luck out. After a number of years, your lemon tree could start producing juicy lemons. So don’t be completely put off by the journey of growing your own lemon tree from seed. Growing your own lemon tree is still a fun and exciting experiment, and you will no doubt still be able to enjoy a lovely, leafy plant in your home.
How to Grow Lemon Trees From Seed – 5 Simple Steps
Your starter pack for growing and planting a lemon tree from seed includes:
- Lemons with seeds
- A good pot with lots of drainage (we recommend terracotta)
- A bag of citrus soil
Now you are ready to start planting! These are the steps you will need to take to grow your own lemon tree from seed:
1. Choose the Juiciest Looking Lemon
Store bought lemons work just fine for growing your own lemon tree. But choosing the right lemon is important. This is because some stores sell lemons without seeds, or the lemon seeds are not viable. We therefore recommend that you buy organic lemons, as this will improve your chances of seed germination. The lemons have not been treated with harsh fertilisers and pesticides, so the seeds are more viable for germination.
2. Collecting the Seeds
Slice your lemon in half and remove all the seeds. Get rid of any small and shriveled seeds (these will not germinate).
You now want to remove the pulp from the seeds. Washing them with water works, but the best tried and tested method is to simply suck on the seeds until all the pulp is off and the seeds do not have a lemony taste anymore. This step is important, as the sugar from the pulp can kill your seeds by producing fungal diseases.
3. Test if They are Viable
Place your seeds in a glass of water. The seeds that sink are good to go, and the ones that float are less likely to germinate. We recommend removing those.
4. Planting Lemon Seeds

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Free-Photos)
Plant the lemon seeds immediately! You do not want them to dry out as this will weaken their chances of germinating. If you are unable to plant them straight away, store them in a glass of water.
A pot with good drainage is best, as this will reduce the risk of root rot. Fill your small pot with a pasteurized, citrus soil mix with added grit.
Plant between 5 and 6 seeds, as this will give you the best chance of germination. Plant them one inch deep. Dampen the soil, and make sure to keep the soil moist throughout.
5. Placing the Pot
Lemon trees like warm temperatures. But lemon seeds do not like direct sunlight. So, while they are germinating, place them in a warm but shaded spot. Then move them to a conservatory or a windowsill when they have propagated, making sure they are getting lots of sunlight.
The most ideal time for planting lemon seeds is April-time, but any time of the year works. As long as you keep an eye on the soil and keep it moist and warm.
It could take as long as 15 years for your home-grown lemon tree to produce any lemons worth squeezing, so patience is essential here. But the good news is it will take just a few months for your seed to grow into a beautiful lemon tree that you can admire in your home.
Benefits of Lemons and Lemon Trees

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / furbymama)
Lemons are above all, a great source of Vitamin C and high in antioxidants. Not just the pulp, but also the lemon peel has lots of benefits.
Both provide a plethora of tested and medically approved health benefits:
- Reduces your chance of a stroke: The flavonoids in the lemon, which come from the antioxidants, are proven to lessen the risk of a stroke, as well as cancer.
- Lowers blood pressure.
- Improves the body’s ability to absorb more iron.
- Immune System Boost: Studies have found that lemons improve the body’s ability to fight off germs that could otherwise lead to cold and flu.
- Better complexion: Vitamin C is really important for the formation of collagen.
So having a lemon tree in your house is a simple, and beautiful, way to create a relaxing and fresh environment for you to live in.
Read more:
- How to Store Lemons: Keeping Them Fresh
- Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner: Simple DIY With 2 Ingredients
- Vegan Lemon Bars: A Simple Gluten-Free Recipe
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