Are you struggling with how to sleep through the night without waking up? A few lifestyle changes might be all it takes to get a good night’s sleep.
Having a consistent nighttime routine and a suitable sleeping environment, known as sleep hygiene, is very important. Having good sleep hygiene is essential for both your physical and mental health, as well as other aspects of your life, such as productivity.
Waking up in the middle of the night is not uncommon. Healthy people can wake up during the night, particularly when stressed or anxious. However, frequently waking up in the night can indicate health conditions such as insomnia and sleep apnea, as well as various mental health conditions.
According to a study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, 35.5 percent of 8,937 participants reported waking up in the middle of the night at least three times per week. Waking up in the night can be disruptive, especially if you find it difficult to get back to sleep. Luckily, there are certain behaviors and routines that you can implement into your daily life to help you get a good night’s sleep.
1. Eat a Snack Before Bed
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Einladung_zum_Essen)
Eating large meals before bed has generally been considered a bad practice. But eating a snack before going to sleep can actually help to ensure that your blood sugar levels do not drop too low during the night. This is called nocturnal hypoglycemia, and it can cause restless, irritable sleep.
A 2015 study shows that having a snack of less than 150 calories before going to sleep has other health benefits too, including being beneficial for muscle protein synthesis and cardiometabolic health. Snack ideas include peanut butter on a slice of wholegrain bread, spread on wholegrain crackers, or a banana.
2. Limit Liquids Before Bed

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Baudolino)
One of the most common reasons for waking up in the night is needing to use the bathroom. If your bladder is to blame for why you wake up in the middle of the night, it is a good idea to limit the amount of liquids you drink before going to bed. It is recommended to drink no more than 12 ounces of water in the couple of hours leading up to when you go to sleep.
Of course, staying hydrated throughout the day is essential for your overall health, so don’t overdo it.
3. Wear Blue Light Blocking Glasses

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Pexels)
Exposure to light significantly impacts our sleep and circadian rhythm. In particular, blue light inhibits melatonin production, which is our brain’s way of telling us we need to stay awake. Wear blue light blocking glasses if you are using devices such as your phone or laptop in the hours before you go to sleep. This can help to maintain regular melatonin levels, which will improve your sleep. You can buy blue light blocking glasses on Amazon**. Alternatively, instead of wearing glasses, you can set your devices to night mode. This will turn your screens to a more orange hue, which blocks blue light.
4. Practice Mindfulness

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / StockSnap)
Mental health and sleep have a cyclical relationship, and research shows that improved sleep quality leads to better mental health. Stress, as well as mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression, are all factors that can affect your sleep quality and make you more likely to wake up in the middle of the night. Mindfulness activities to try in order to improve your quality of sleep include meditation, yoga, and habitual journaling. These activities all help to calm your mind and reduce stress. A 2018 study has found that mindfulness meditation significantly improves sleep quality.
5. Get Active

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / StockSnap)
One reason you may find that you wake up in the night is because your body is not tired enough from the day. Research shows that exercise is linked to improved sleep, and that exercise and sleep have positive effects on each other. A 2008 study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that in people with insomnia, exercise helps to relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety that surround sleep.
Exercise causes your body to release endorphins and also raises your overall body temperature, so it is best to avoid vigorous exercise 90 minutes before going to bed. Most people who engage with at least 30 minutes of moderate anaerobic exercise in a day are likely to see a difference in their sleep quality that night.
6. Go To Bed Only When Tired

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / keresi72)
It may sound counterintuitive, but to ensure a good night’s sleep, it is best to only get into bed when you feel ready to sleep. Getting into bed before you feel tired enough to sleep can be counterproductive as it can lead to a racing mind, particularly if stress or anxiety is part of the problem. If you are lying in bed unable to sleep, do something relaxing like reading or listening to a podcast to wind down. This also applies to waking up in the middle of the night. If you don’t get back to sleep within 20 minutes, get out of bed and do the same. Spending too much time worrying in bed can make your brain associate bed with stress, which can make it harder to get a restful sleep.
7. Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / PIRO4D)
As we mentioned before, improving your sleep hygiene, including your nighttime routine and your sleeping environment, can help you to get a good night’s sleep with less chance of waking in the night. A 2021 study shows that a consistent nighttime routine is linked to an improved quality of sleep. This means taking it nice and easy an hour before bed, preferably away from devices, and going to bed at the same time each night. Keep the lights low, noises to a minimum and do a relaxing activity such as journaling or reading.
Regarding your sleeping environment, unsurprisingly, research shows that environmental factors are linked to insufficient sleep and sleep disorders. An optimal sleeping environment is dark, quiet, cool, and comfortable. Keep your bed just for sleeping, this will also help your body to associate bed with sleep. Or, create a relaxing environment in your bedroom to help you fall, and stay, asleep.
Read on:
- How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule: Most Effective Tips
- How to Become a Morning Person (+ When it’s OK to Sleep in)
- Best Sleep Sounds and How to Pick the Right One for You
Important Information regarding Health-related Topics.
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