The 8 Best Eco-Friendly Backpacks for Kids and Adults
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Backpacks are practical whether you're heading back to school, hiking, or wandering around a city. If you need a new one, consider buying an eco-friendly backpack.close
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Backpacks are practical whether you're heading back to school, hiking, or wandering around a city. If you need a new one, consider buying an eco-friendly backpack.Read more
Sustainable furniture is becoming more popular as our awareness of planetary resources rises. Find the 10 best places for furniture that will look stunning in your home, office or garden.Read more
Zucchini bread is lovely, but add chocolate and you've got an even more exciting version. Follow this simple recipe to make chocolate zucchini bread at home.Read more
Learn how to make this simple and authentic southern sweet tea drink for your next dinner party, summer BBQ, or to enjoy on a hot summer's afternoon at home.Read more
All out of garam masala? Don't worry, we have some ideas for that spicy garam masala substitute, all you need are a few key spices and an open mind.Read more
Disposable period products create unnecessary environmental waste. Here are four environmentally friendly pad alternatives to make your periods more sustainable.Read more
You may have heard the term tossed around in politics, but what is gaslighting? We describe this toxic trait and how to deal with gaslighting below.Read more
Tired of babysitting your compost pile? Cold composting is a low-maintenance alternative that allows you to ignore your compost and get the same results. Read on for how to get started.