Growing your own produce is a very rewarding experience as it shows firsthand just how much work goes into food production. We’ve compiled a list of easy-to-grow vegetables so you can try it out yourself.
Anyone who has already had success growing their own vegetables knows that nothing tastes as good as homegrown. Not only do you enjoy the fruits of your labor, but you’re also able to eat produce at the moment it becomes ripe. Even if your yard is not large enough for the garden of your dreams, some vegetables are easy to grow in containers.
Choosing whether to use seeds or seedlings to grow your own vegetables often comes down to climate, budget, patience, and personal preference. Seeds are by far the most cost-effective option, and you often have a larger variety when planting from seed. Just be aware that depending on your climate, you might need to start your crops indoors. Additionally, you will need to thin the crop out if you want your plants to thrive.
Seedlings are an obvious choice for beginners because the hard work is already done and you’ll have a shorter wait for harvest. Not only are seedlings already established, they’re also more resistant to pests because they’re more mature when planted. Seedlings do have their downsides though – you’re limited to what the garden center or nursery is offering, they are no doubt more expensive than a package of seeds, and you’re also at risk of introducing weeds into your garden.
When purchasing seeds or seedlings, it’s worth it to buy organic. This means that the products weren’t exposed to chemical fertilizers or pesticides, making them the safest option for both you and the planet. Ask at your local garden center for assistance, purchase organic vegetable seeds online (available on Amazon**), or grow your own vegetables from scraps. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, these easy-to-grow vegetables will not disappoint.
1. Lettuce: An Instant Salad

- Plant Time: Spring or Fall
- Harvest Time: 65 – 80 days
- Spacing: 6 to 12 inches
- Light: Sun to Part Sun
There are so many different types of both leaf and head lettuce that can be easily grown in your garden or in a pot. They key to growing lettuce from seed is to plant more seeds every 3 weeks or so that you can harvest at different times, and constantly have a fresh supply. If you plant it in a container, you can move it out of reach from critters like rabbits and moles. You can also purchase lettuce plants for your garden and start harvesting straight away.
2. Tomatoes: An Easy-to-Grow Summer Staple

- Plant Time: Late Spring/Early Summer
- Harvest Time: 60 – 100 days
- Spacing: 8 – 36 inches
- Light: Full Sun
Tomatoes are one of the most popular easy-to-grow vegetables because the taste of a homegrown tomato is like nothing you can buy in the supermarket. You can grow them in containers or plant them directly into the ground. Each variety of tomato grows the same way. Cherry tomatoes plants are the fastest-producing, and beefsteaks can be harvested in late summer.
3. Easy-to-Grow Vegetables: Radishes

- Plant Time: Spring, Summer, or Fall
- Harvest Time: as soon as 3 weeks after planting
- Spacing: 3 inches
- Light: Sun to Part Sun
Radishes are a quick turnaround crop, which makes them an ideal easy-to-grow vegetable for the more impatient gardeners. They are one of the first vegetables ready for harvest in your spring garden, and bring that spicy crunch to salads and are delicious when fermented! This root vegetable can easily be started from seed, either indoors during late winter, or outdoors in early spring. If sowing directly into the ground, remember that you’ll have to thin the crop out for best results.
4. Easy-to-Grow Root Vegetables: Beets

- Plant Time: Early Spring through Early Autumn
- Harvest Time: 7 to 8 weeks
- Spacing: 2 inches
- Light: Full sun
Beets are much easier to grow than carrots, since they aren’t as picky about the type of soil they’re grown in. Plant the seeds directly into the ground, and be prepared to do some thinning as the sprouts start to pop up. Don’t let those thinned plants go to waste though — they make an excellent addition to salads. Just be sure to snip them instead of pulling them out as it might damage the root system.
5. Zucchini or Summer Squash

- Plant Time: Late Spring
- Harvest Time: 60 days
- Spacing: 2 feet apart
- Light: Full Sun
Zucchini is a wonderful and easy vegetable to grow in your home garden but be warned — each plant will yield plenty of zucchini. You’ll want to stick to one or two plants only, which is why it’s recommended to use seedlings instead of seeds. If you find yourself with more zucchini than you can handle, don’t forget that you can freeze it – though it also tastes pretty good raw!
6. Cucumbers: For Pickling or Eating

- Plant Time: Mid-Spring
- Harvest Time: 50 – 70 days
- Spacing: 1 foot
- Light: Full Sun
These oblong green vegetables are happiest when they’re given plenty of water. Cucumbers actually grow on vines, so will continue to spread out unless you train them up a trellis — this will make it easier to contain them, and makes for a simpler harvest. Depending on the type of cucumbers you grow, you can also make your own homemade pickles! While plenty of gardeners out there will tell you they are easy to grow from seed, others think purchasing a plant is an easier option — the choice is yours!
Read More: How to Store Cucumbers: The Best Tips & Tricks
7. Beans: An Easy-to-Grow Vegetable

- Plant Time: Late Spring
- Harvest Time: 10 to 11 weeks
- Spacing: 3 inches
- Light: Full Sun
Plant a couple of rows of green beans and you’ll be guaranteed to reap a healthy harvest. You can easily start beans from seed — it’s a child-friendly activity as well. They don’t need any special attention other than some water, and if you’re growing the pole bean variety, you’ll want to set up trellises so they have something to climb up on. Water from the ground to prevent mildew and diseases, and give them compost for best results. When it comes time to harvest, enjoy them fresh, or freeze them for later!
8. Hot Peppers

- Plant Time: Spring
- Harvest Time: 60 to 95 days
- Spacing: 24 inches
- Light: Full Sun
Hot peppers, like cayenne and jalapeños, are much easier to grow than sweet peppers, as you don’t actually need to wait until they’ve fully developed to harvest them. Additionally, most pests will stay away since they don’t like the heat. One plant will yield enough to keep your salsa cravings satisfied, especially when paired with your homegrown tomatoes. Don’t forget, you can also dry chilli peppers for later use!
Read more about growing them here: Growing Hot Peppers: How to Care for a Chili Pepper Plant
9. Potatoes: Another Easy-to-Grow Root Vegetable

- Plant Time: Early Spring
- Harvest Time: 60 to 90 days
- Spacing: 12 – 15 inches
- Light: Full Sun
Potatoes are often seen as the plant them and leave them alone kind of vegetable, which is why they are an easy vegetable to grow at home. The only work they really require is to keep mounding the soil up around the shoots. Plus, under proper storage conditions, they can last for a very long time after harvest. If you want to grow sweet potatoes, check out our guide here.
10. Grow Peas at Home

- Plant Time: Early Spring
- Harvest Time: 60 to 70 days
- Spacing: 2 inches
- Light: Full Sun
Peas are more likely going to be an early summer crop depending on where you live because peas don’t like hot weather. During their peak season, your pea plants will be producing like crazy, so you can freeze what you can’t eat. Peas also come in several varieties including English peas, sugar snap peas, and snow peas.
Happy Planting!
Read more:
- 10 Flowering Vegetables You Can Grow in Your Garden
- Fridge Temperature and Organization: How to Store Food Properly
- Keep Squirrels Out of Your Garden Naturally: Tips & Tricks
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