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Vitamin D Rich Fruits and Vegetables

Vitamin D is important for our health, but we rely on sunlight to produce it.
Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / avi_acl

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for human health. However, many people may experience deficiencies during winter, so it is important to choose foods high in Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is important for many aspects of your health. It is mostly associated with musculoskeletal health and helps to prevent several diseases, including osteoporosis. However, it also has some other surprising effects, including playing a potential role in mood regulation

Vitamin D-rich vegetables and fruits are particularly important because many people in the U.S. are deficient in vitamin D, especially during the winter months. This is because your body only generates vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight, and due to shorter days and often cloudier weather, most people don’t receive adequate amounts of sun. Furthermore, people with darker skin tend to produce less Vitamin D even when they are exposed to sunlight, so they are at greater risk of vitamin D deficiency. In fact, one 2011 study found that 41.6% of U.S. adults had vitamin D deficiencies. These statistics point to an urgent need for Americans to eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin D, especially when they are subjected to winter darkness.

Vitamin D Foods: Mushrooms

Mushrooms are one great vegetarian source of Vitamin D.
Mushrooms are one great vegetarian source of Vitamin D.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / congerdesign)

One good source of vitamin D is mushrooms. Like humans, mushrooms will produce vitamin D in response to sun or UV exposure. That is why in order to improve their nutritional content, many producers will expose their mushrooms to UV before putting them out for sale. This can have tremendous results. For example, here are a few examples of the vitamin D content in several mushroom species after UV exposure:

  • Crimini mushrooms: 139% daily value per cup
  • Portabella mushrooms: 122% daily value per cup
  • Maitakes: 98% daily value per cup
  • White button mushrooms: 92% daily value per cup

You can look out for labels mentioning vitamin D or UV exposure to make sure you are getting the nutritional content you want.

If you are looking for some creative ways to prepare your mushrooms, you could try out a vegan risotto recipe or a hearty vegan mushroom soup.

Vitamin D Fruits: Fortified Orange Juice

Many orange juices in the U.S. are fortified, and therefore include vitamin D.
Many orange juices in the U.S. are fortified, and therefore include vitamin D.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / stevepb)

If you’d rather get your vitamin D from a sweeter source, fortified orange juice could be a good option for you. Although oranges do not naturally contain Vitamin D, many orange juices sold in the U.S. often include it. Fortified orange juice also contains a whole host of nutritional benefits, including calcium, vitamin C, and fiber. If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to add some vitamin D to your diet at breakfast, try giving this fruit juice a go. Just make sure to check the label so that you know you are buying fortified juice made from 100% oranges, and choose organic whenever possible.

Other Sources of Vitamin D for Vegetarians and Vegans

A breakfast consisting of fortified cereal and plant milk can be a great way to increase your Vitamin D.
A breakfast consisting of fortified cereal and plant milk can be a great way to increase your Vitamin D.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Engin_Akyurt)

The unfortunate fact is, vegetables rich in vitamin D do not exist. There are many animal-based sources such as fish or eggs, but there are several good reasons to avoid factory farming. If you choose to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, you will be especially prone to vitamin D deficiency in the wintertime, so you might want to be extra careful to intentionally add vitamin D foods to your diet.

Luckily, there are lots of fortified foods that can help you out. For example, you can try fortified versions of plant-based milk. And while you’re at it, why not pair your fortified plant milk with some fortified cereal? Additionally, you can also find vitamin D-fortified tofu.

Vitamin D Supplement

Since plant-based foods are quite low in Vitamin D, you may want to consider vitamin supplements.
Since plant-based foods are quite low in Vitamin D, you may want to consider vitamin supplements.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / stevepb)

Dietary supplements are another way you can increase your vitamin D intake. You can choose a multivitamin that includes at least 600 IU (or 800 IU, if you are over 70) or you can choose to supplement vitamin D separately. You can also try a light therapy lamp (like this one on Amazon**), which can promote vitamin D production even during dark winter days. If you have any doubts about whether supplementing vitamin D in these ways is right for you, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor for advice.

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