What Does Non-GMO Mean? Definition, Label, Criticism
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Genetic modification of our foods is a technological process whose repercussions aren't quite clear yet. Read more to learn what exactly GMO and Non-GMO mean in food production.close
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Genetic modification of our foods is a technological process whose repercussions aren't quite clear yet. Read more to learn what exactly GMO and Non-GMO mean in food production.Read more
Learn how to make vegan remoulade using this Louisiana-style recipe to add some spice to your sandwiches, Cajun fries, veggie burgers, and fried greens.Read more
Ube halaya jam is a sweet, creamy, bright purple spread from the Philippines, which can be eaten on toast or added to desserts such as ice cream. You'll love this vibrant treat!Read more
There are over 100 different cabbage varieties grown around the world. You can eat different cabbage types raw, cooked, and even pickled!Read more
Let’s be honest: garlic tea sounds disgusting. But despite seeming unusual, this medicinal tea has been used for centuries, particularly by Native Americans. Learn about the effects and benefits of ginger and garlic tea, and how to make your own at home.Read more
Discovering more about unhealthy food to cross off your diet won't only benefit you. It will also benefit the environment because our 'nasty nine' are unsustainable as well.Read more
Maintaining the "touch" love language with your partner is something that can often become complicated. We explain the five love languages, as well as some tips on how to mindfully practice the love language of physical touch together.Read more
Introducing America's most underappreciated native superfood, the aronia berry. Read on for aronia berry benefits, plant care, and uses for this mouth-puckering fruit.