Here’s the Only Vegan Eggnog Recipe You’ll Ever Need
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This vegan eggnog recipe only takes five minutes to whip up, so you can enjoy this sweet and creamy beverage with your friends and family this holiday season.close
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This vegan eggnog recipe only takes five minutes to whip up, so you can enjoy this sweet and creamy beverage with your friends and family this holiday season.Read more
Some hydrangea varieties need extra winter care. We explain when they need a warmer location and what you should pay attention to during the winter.Read more
Coming up with winter activities for kids isn't always easy. We've compiled a list of creative and eco-friendly ways to keep them occupied during the colder months.Read more
These DIY sleds can be made using easy and eco-friendly methods from materials around your home. Enjoy sledding season with our homemade seven sled ideas.Read more
This fire cider recipe (or fire tonic) packs a punch and can boost your immune system and circulation. Here's how.Read more
Trees are one of the most important parts of the ecosystem, providing oxygen and life. As climate change worsens, the survival of trees in winter is of growing concern.Read more
'Tis the season to be jolly! Keep things sustainable and stress-free with our guide to a minimalist Christmas.Read more
Soup is a classic and easy cold-weather dish that can be made from almost anything. Read on for the best soup recipes using seasonal, organic and homegrown vegetables.