We’ll show you, how to get rid of bed bugs naturally. These effective bed bug removal household remedies do not involve comprehensive chemical treatments and will get rid of these pesky insects in no time.
No one wants bed bugs as their latest house guest. As their name suggests, bed bugs love to live in our beds. They are so small that they are difficult to see with the naked eye. They feed on human blood. When they bite, it’s not only unpleasant and itchy, but can also transmit diseases. If you discover bed bugs, you should act immediately to get rid of them.
You don’t necessarily have to reach for chemicals; you can also restore your bed bug-free environment with household remedies. We’ll show you how to get rid of bed bugs with natural and effective household remedies, protecting the environment and saving you money.
Recognizing an Infestation
You are unsure, if you have an infestation you need to get rid of? Here’s how to recognize bed bugs:
- Bed bugs are very small, brown and have an oval shape. As they eat, they enlarge, allowing you to see them with the naked eye.
- Bed bugs leave behind red, itchy welts on your skin, which are often arranged in a row.
- Small black or dark red spots on the bed linen or on the mattress can be signs of bed bugs.
- As the infestation progresses, you may notice an unpleasant sweet smell.
- Put double-sided tape on your bedstead. If there is an infestation, some of the animals will get stuck allowing you to confirm your unhappy diagnosis.
How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs: Sunlight
Bedbugs can’t stand high temperatures. At temperatures above 30°C (86°F) the little nuisances disappear. Put your mattress, pillows and blankets out for a few hours in the direct summer sun. They’ll be sure to feel the burn and hit the road.
Bed Bug Removal: Use your Freezer

Bed bugs are just as little fans of cold as they are of intense heat. Just put smaller items and textiles in the freezer for one to three days at -18°C (0°F) to get rid of bed bugs. The bedbugs and their eggs cannot survive the low temperatures.
Wash the Affected Textiles

If you notice an infestation, you should definitely put all your washable textiles into the washing machine.
- Wash for at least 30 minutes at a temperature of at least 60°C (140°F). The high temperatures kill the bedbugs and their eggs.
- Carry the infested laundry to the washing machine in a plastic bag. This will prevent the bugs from spreading to other rooms along the way.
- In addition to your bed, check other textiles, such as curtains or your clothing for bed bugs. If you notice bed bugs there, you can get rid of them by washing these items thoroughly – or putting them in the freezer.
How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs with Turmeric

If you are wondering how to get rid of bedbugs without the help of chemicals, turmeric is the way. The curcumin contained in turmeric has an antimicrobial effect and leaves bed bugs unable to breathe. Carefully spread the turmeric over the affected textiles, then vacuum them thoroughly. Afterwards, you should replace the vacuum bag and dispose of it immediately.
Check Typical Hiding Places
Bed bugs can be found in your:
- Mattresses
- Pillows & Bedding
- Backpacks & Purses
- Clothing & Footwear
- Wardrobes
- Laundry Baskets
- Luggage & Bags
- Upholstered Furniture
- Rugs & Carpets
- Wall/Floor Holes
- Baseboards
- Electric Sockets
Preventing Bed Bugs
Of course, it’s best when bugs don’t show up in the first place. Before you’re left having to worry about how to get rid of bed bugs, here are some preventative measures you can take:
- Place your bed in such a way that it has no direct contact with the wall.
- Make sure that blankets, pillows and other textiles are not left lying on the floor.
- Clean your bedroom regularly and thoroughly. Suction the floors and change the bed linens. If you suspect you may be harboring those pesky critters, you should check your bed for a possible bug infestation immediately. The sooner you recognize bed bugs, the faster you can fight them.
- Apply tape to the legs of your bed. The smooth surface makes it difficult for bed bugs to crawl onto your bed. If you use double-sided tape, they will even stick to it.
- Check used items for bugs before bringing them into your house.
- Place scented candles with essential oils in your room. Strongly-scented oils such as clove, lavender, or mint work great for this. You can also put fragrant sacs in your bed or between your clothes.
- When you’re on vacation, check your accommodations for bed bugs. If you notice bed bugs, put your clothes in airtight bags. This will help you avoid bringing these pesky pests back into your own home.
- If you have pets, keep them well-groomed and check them regularly for pests.
- Change your mattress every five to eight years. Choose a removable cover that you can wash regularly.
- Wash your clothes at a minimum temperature of 60°C (140°F) after traveling. The same applies to used clothing, from flea markets, for example.
If prevention fails, there’s no one single best way to get rid of bed bugs. Sometimes you may need to apply a variety of bed bug removal methods to see lasting results. If these methods don’t get rid of your bed bug infestation after multiple tries, it may be time to consult a professional.
Read more:
- Water Conservation: 10 Tips on How to Save Water at Home
- Homemade Oven Cleaner: 3 DIY Methods Better Than Chemical Cleaners
- 8 Things to Eliminate from Your Home
This article was translated from German into English. You can view the original here: Bettwanzen bekämpfen: die besten natürlichen Hausmittel
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