Ginger is a super ingredient that everyone should have in their kitchen at all times. Whether it is adding a spicy kick to your meals, warming your teas, or helping you combat a cold, learning how to use fresh ginger is essential.
Using Fresh Ginger: How To Peel It
(Foto: Utopia/ Eilidh Dempsey)
The simplest way of removing the skin of a piece of ginger isn’t a fancy kitchen peeler or sharp knife. In fact, it is a teaspoon. This technique removes the skin of the ginger with the least flesh loss and is the cleanest and safest method in terms of potential cuts and slips of sharp kitchen utensils.
To peel your ginger with a teaspoon, all you have to do is scrape your piece of ginger with the edge of your spoon, and voila! The skin will come off no problem, and you will be left with almost all the spicy, juicy flesh of your fresh ginger, ready to use. It is also the best way of getting in and around the nubs and curves of ginger roots.
Read on: Benefits of Ginger: Uses, Health Effects and Recipes
How To Chop Ginger

(Foto: Utopia/ Eilidh Dempsey)
When using fresh ginger in recipes, you may need to chop it. To chop ginger finely, you will need a good, sharp kitchen knife. The first step (if you prefer) will be to peel the ginger. Then, cut your ginger into small coins. Stack the coins up and cut them into matchsticks (be careful here not to stack too many coins upon one another, in case they slip). Line the matchsticks up and chop them into small cubes. The smaller you need your ginger pieces to be, the more closely you should cut your matchsticks.
Always remember to be very careful when cutting food finely with a sharp knife.
How To Grate Ginger

(Foto: Utopia/ Eilidh Dempsey)
Grating is another common way to use fresh ginger in recipes. Grating ginger is just as easy as grating cheese. All you will need is a good grater. We recommend freezing a chunk of ginger and reserving it for the sole purpose of grating, as this is the easiest, cleanest way to do it. When freezing, make sure to wrap the piece of ginger tightly in plastic wrap or keep it in an airtight container.
If you are not a fan of the skin, make sure to peel the chunk of ginger before freezing it.
Read on: How to Store Ginger Root 6 Ways To Keep Your Ginger Fresh for Longer
How to Use Fresh Ginger

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Free-Photos)
Fresh ginger can be used for many different culinary purposes. It is commonly used to make teas, infused in water, or added to hot drinks for depth of flavor, spice, and medicinal purposes. We suggest trying out this golden milk recipe for a delicious combination of turmeric and fresh ginger. Or follow our recipe for ginger and garlic tea for weight loss, to help with nutrient deficiency, or if you are just feeling under the weather. This incredible tea is sure to restore you back to better health in no time.
Fresh ginger is also a staple ingredient in curry and can be added to any stir-fry for extra spice. You can also candy fresh ginger for a sweet snacking treat.
Read more:
- Growing Ginger: How to Grow Ginger At Home
- Natural Home Remedies for Colds: 7 Easy Recipes
- Homemade Cough Syrup: How to Use Onion Juice and Honey for Coughs
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