With only four ingredients you can make vegan Parmesan cheese yourself — our recipe shows you how easy it is. The cheese alternative goes well with pizza, pasta and many other dishes.
It is estimated that half a million dairy cows are involved in the production of Parmesan cheese in Italy. Most of them don’t have access to pasture or clean and humane living conditions. You do not want to support this industry? Then try vegan cheese, instead.
If you’re looking for that extra oomph on top of pasta dishes or a delicious pizza, we have the right recipe for you: this vegan Parmesan cheese is tasty and cruelty-free!
Vegan Parmesan: Ingredients
For about 100 grams of vegan parmesan cheese you need the following recipe ingredients:
- 3 oz. cashew nuts
- ½ oz. yeast flakes (approximately 2 heaping tablespoons)
- ½ tsp. salt
- ⅙ tsp. garlic powder
Cashews are quite healthy, but they are often harvested and roasted under poor and sometimes inhumane working conditions. This is why we recommend buying organic, Fair Trade cashews.
Variation: Depending on your tastes, you can replace some of the cashews with almonds or pine nuts. Add a pinch of pepper or freshly grated nutmeg if you want! No garlic powder on hand? Just leave it out — that way your vegan parmesan won’t get overwhelmingly packed with flavor.

Recipe: Make Your Own Vegan Parmesan Cheese
You’ll need a blender or food processor to make it, but the recipe for vegan parmesan cheese couldn’t be easier: Put all the ingredients into the blender/food processor and pulse until they are evenly blended. That’s it! Easy, right?
Note: Don’t overmix — the oil will leak out of the cashews and you’ll be left with a lumpy mass.
If you’re not planning to use the vegan Parmesan immediately, pop it into an airtight container and store it in a dark, cool place. It’ll keep for about two to three weeks.
This article has been translated from German by Karen Stankiewicz. You can view the original here: Veganer Parmesan: So machst du ihn selbst
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