Sustainability made simple

Welcome Fall With This Easy Broccoli Cheese Soup Recipe

Easy broccoli cheese soup recipe
Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / allanlau2000

Broccoli cheese soup is a great dish for the upcoming winter's chilly evenings. A bowl of this soup will fill you up without weighing you down. Okay, Let's begin!

Easy Broccoli Cheese Soup: Step-By-Step Guide

For an extra crunch, serve your easy broccoli cheese soup with some crusty bread.
For an extra crunch, serve your easy broccoli cheese soup with some crusty bread.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Einladung_zum_Essen)

Simple to prepare and very soothing, this easy broccoli cheese soup recipe doesn’t require that many ingredients yet is packed full of flavor. It can be prepared in roughly half an hour, making it ideal for quick weeknight dinners or lunches.

Prep time: 30 -35 mins

Yield: 4-6 servings



  1. Start by melting the butter in a large pot over low to medium heat. Caramelize the onion for maximum flavor (about 2 minutes).

  2. Then, after a minute more of cooking, add the chopped garlic.

  3. To make a golden brown sauce, whisk in the flour and heat for a few minutes.

  4. The vegetable broth and unsweetened plank milk (oat works wonderfully) should be added gently while stirring to mix and dissolve the flour. The heat should be reduced to medium.

  5. Add the seasonings: salt, pepper and garlic powder. Stir well, then let it simmer and thicken for approximately 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

  6. Incorporate the broccoli and carrots (optional), and continue simmering over a low heat for another 20 minutes, or until the broccoli is soft. 

  7. Add the sharp-tasting cheese. Blend if you want a creamy soup in a food processor (careful: the mixture will be hot) or with a hand blender (do not do this if you are using a non-stick pan). Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. 

  8. Serve hot with a slice of crusty, buttery bread and enjoy!

Note: If your soup is getting too thin, combine additional pinches of flour with 3 tablespoons of plant milk for a thicker consistency. Combine thoroughly and let the mixture thicken.

Shelf life: Broccoli soup should be allowed to cool before storing the leftovers. It can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days if packed in an airtight container and covered. Alternately, it can be frozen and kept for up to three months in an airtight container.

Sustainability Considerations

For optimal freshness, make sure to use local, organic produce in your easy broccoli cheese soup.
For optimal freshness, make sure to use local, organic produce in your easy broccoli cheese soup.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / jackmac34)

For a healthy and delicious broccoli cheese soup, make sure to use organic, high-quality ingredients. You’ll be supporting organic and environmentally responsible farming methods, and the products themselves will be pesticide-free. You should try to source as many of your ingredients locally as you can. Products made in your region have shorter travel distances, resulting in less CO2 being released into the air. That’s why they’re better for the environment.

Broccoli is typically harvested in the United States during spring and fall. You can find organic, unpackaged broccoli at local farmer’s markets and from direct sellers. Please refer to the Seasonal Calendar if you are unsure about when to buy specific fruits and vegetables.

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