Are You a People Pleaser? The Psychology Behind it
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People pleasing behavior is not uncommon, but it's more than just being nice. Let's look at why people act this way and what psychology can tell us about stopping it.close
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People pleasing behavior is not uncommon, but it's more than just being nice. Let's look at why people act this way and what psychology can tell us about stopping it.Read more
Knowing how to validate someone's feelings can improve your relationships. The most important parts include putting yourself in the shoes of the other person, but there's a little more to it.Read more
Deep listening techniques can help improve your communication skills and understanding of yourself and those around you. This can have positive knock-on effects.Read more
Knowing how to build trust in a team is a critical skill in many areas of life. Whether you want to establish trust within your work team, friend group or project group at university –– we'll show you how to go about it.Read more
Saying no is an overlooked, but important part of self-care within relationships. Learn how to politely say no with our practical and effective tips.Read more
You have the right to union membership. Find out how to start a union in eight steps, get your coworkers on board to vote 'yes' and negotiate for higher pay, benefits and more.Read more
The giving gifts love language may seem daunting if you're unfamiliar with it, but it doesn't require you to spend loads of money on presents. Learn more here.Read more
Feminist literature empowers and educates, and should be a non-negotiable in everyone's bookshelf today! We'll show you the twenty must-reads, so you can learn everything you need to know, from intersectional feminism to ecofeminism and more.