Homemade Sidewalk Chalk: Outdoor Fun With 3 Ingredients
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Homemade sidewalk chalk is a fun and inexpensive DIY-project your kids will love. You decide, which colors the chalk will have – and what kind of ingredients go in it.close
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Homemade sidewalk chalk is a fun and inexpensive DIY-project your kids will love. You decide, which colors the chalk will have – and what kind of ingredients go in it.Read more
Teaching kids how to ride a bike is easy. Are your children eager to learn? Here are a couple key tips on making it even more exciting.Read more
All the unhealthy food we serve up for our kids these days is borderline criminal. Here are some tips and tricks on finding healthy foods for kids.Read more
Even before a baby arrives, parents are faced with new consumer choices. We gathered tips from a mother of two who knows her way around an eco-kid's room.Read more
Why run out to buy brandname playdough when you can make it in the same amount of time at home? We'll show you how it’s done in three simple steps