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30 Gratitude Journal Prompts for Mindful Happiness

Gratitude journal prompts
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There are so many things to be grateful. Using gratitude journal prompts on a regular basis can help you be more positive and mindful of all there is to love and enjoy.

There are many benefits of writing a journal, but gratitude journaling is unique as it serves as a specific and consistent reminder of what is good in life. Setting aside a few minutes every day to answer some gratitude journal prompts might be more impactful than you think. Research shows writing down what you’re grateful for results in higher self-esteem and overall satisfaction with life.

This practice is impactful because it forces you to concentrate on what matters to you and what’s important in your life. Engaging in this exercise is a type of mindfulness based stress reduction which can help you have a more positive outlook on your life. Gratitude journaling can even help fight the effects of mental illness like depression. Get started and get inspired today with some of our recommended gratitude journal prompts. 

1. Finding Joy and Gratitude in Little Things

Find beauty in the little things with these gratitude journal prompts.

Reflecting on small things which make you happy can help you see the beauty in everyday life. It it easy to hustle through the day without noticing your delicious coffee or the sound of the birds chirping on the way to work. These gratitude journal prompts help you focus on the little things which have big impacts, so that you can be more mindful throughout the day. 

  1. What have been some highlights of your week so far?
  2. How did you spend your down time over the last week and how did that make you feel?
  3. Describe your favorite at-home breakfast routine.
  4. Describe your ideal weather conditions for a perfect day.
  5. What are some things you take for granted in life?
  6. What are some simple pleasures you enjoy every day?
  7. Describe something beautiful you saw today.
  8. Describe your favorite TV show or movie, and how it makes you feel.
  9. Describe your favorite song, and how it makes you feel.
  10. Describe your favorite smell.

2. Self-Appreciation

Loving and appreciating yourself is an important theme in gratitude journaling, because your sense of self-worth has a direct affect on your life experiences. Without learning self love, it is difficult to be fully happy and grateful for your life. Try out some of these prompts if you are struggling with gratitude for yourself.

  1. Name three to five things you love about yourself.
  2. What are your favorite outfits to wear which put you in a better mood? How can you engage more in dopamine dressing
  3. Think of one way in which you are unique from others. 
  4. When was the last time you overcame an obstacle in your life, and how did that make you feel?
  5. What are some goals you have achieved in the last months or years?

3. Gratitude for Others

Use these journal prompts to think about the people you are most grateful for.

Friends, family members, partners, coworkers and even strangers shape our life experiences. While there are probably some people who disappoint you and make your life harder, there are many people who want the best for you. Gratitude journaling pushes you to focus on good people in the world who are making your life easier and more enjoyable. 

  1. What has somebody done for you that made you feel grateful and loved?
  2. Who do you admire the most and why?
  3. Who are the most important people in your life?
  4. When has a stranger done an act of kindness for you?
  5. What do you think makes a person beautiful inside and out?

4. Gratitude for Your Surroundings

Some of the times you feel most grateful may be when walking your dog through a park, watching TV in bed or having a tea and watching the sun rise. Everyday surroundings are constantly stimulating us and impacting our experiences, but we don’t always take the time to notice this. Use gratitude journaling to be more mindful of your surroundings and how they make you feel.

  1. What kind of environments help you feel at peace?
  2. When was the last time you watched the sun rise or set, and how did it make you feel?
  3. Describe your favorite place to visit in your town. 
  4. Describe what you love about your home.
  5. Describe your favorite area to go on a walk, run or drive. 

5. Big Questions

Use these gratitude journal prompts to answer big life questions. Reflect on your answers and notice how your answers may change over time.

Sometimes we go through life so quickly that we don’t stop to think about how we’ve changed, what we’ve accomplished or what our purpose is. Every now and then, it’s good to reflect on the bigger things in life and make note of what you’re grateful for and why. 

  1. What do you think is the meaning of life?
  2. What gives you a sense of purpose and why?
  3. What is one memory you will always cherish?
  4. What is the most meaningful gift you have ever received and why?
  5. What would your 10 year old self think of you today?

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