Is balsamic vinegar good for you, as often claimed, or is it just a myth? In this article, we’ll go through seven reported health benefits that you get from this delicious dressing. Stick around to learn more.
So, Is Balsamic Vinegar Good for You or Not?
The many reported health benefits of balsamic vinegar make it an excellent food supplement. Adding balsamic vinegar to your favorite foods, fresh salads, and other dishes not only makes them delicious, but may also benefit your heart, skin, digestion, and a host of other organs.
There are two Italian balsamic vinegars with a protected status: Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena DOP and Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Reggio Emilia DOP. The word “traidizionale” guarantees that you’re getting the real thing. Even the still very traditional-sounding Aceto Balsamico di Modena can contain sweeteners, thickeners and coloring, even though it still underlies certain regulations about grapes and processing. As with most food products with a long cultural tradition, there is a whole science to get into if you really want to understand the different grades and qualities.
The important thing to know is: Everything else that might be called “Aceto Balsamico”, “Balsamico Cream”, “Condimento Balsamico” doesn’t necessarily have to have a lot in common with the traditional product. In this article, we’ll talk about the benefits of pure balsamic vinegar. The more sugars, coloring and other additives the manufacturer has added, depending on what exactly you buy, the less truth these statements might hold for the condiment you have in your pantry.
Moderation is Important
As with other things in life, moderation is key. Exercising restraint is vital to a successful diet and overindulgence is never the best course of action. Even though balsamic vinegar is a healthy ingredient in most applications, excessive consumption will just cause stomach upset and throat irritation. Make sure you don’t go overboard.
So, how is balsamic vinegar good for you? Here are just some of its supposed health benefits.
1. Balsamic Vinegar Maintains a Healthy Gut Environment
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / inproperstyle)
Many probiotic bacteria species can be found in balsamic vinegar’s principal component, acetic acid. In a nutshell, probiotics can aid digestion and support a healthy gastrointestinal system in addition to keeping food fresh. Good bacteria, known as the gut biome, have beneficial immune system impacts when they live in the digestive tract.
2. Balsamic Vinegar is Good For Your Skin
Other popular kinds of vinegar, such as Apple Cider Vinegar, contain helpful acids that can help shed dead skin cells and create space for the healthy layer beneath. Balsamic vinegar, like Apple Cider Vinegar, includes antioxidants and as we just mentioned, acetic acid. Both of which have antimicrobial characteristics that may help clear your skin.
Although the research is limited, acetic acid was discovered to be beneficial for acne treatment. Nevertheless, we don’t yet know fully how balsamic vinegar is good for you and your skin, so further research is necessary.
The best approach to discover if it has any effect on your skin is to consume it on the regular as part of a balanced diet rather than apply it topically.
Apple cider vinegar, for example, may be better suited as a cosmetic acne cure that can be applied to the skin, because of its milder odor than balsamic vinegar. We suggest you don’t apply it directly to your skin, due to its high acidity and strong aroma.
3. Supports Healthy Weight Loss

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / axalant)
Although a lot of the evidence for this claim is largely anecdotal, there is some limited research to suggest that incorporating more balsamic vinegar into your diet can help you feel fuller for longer periods. As the probiotic content of balsamic vinegar can leave you feeling fuller throughout your day.
In a much simpler way, adding a balsamic dressing to your salad instead of a heavy, processed dressing will help you naturally as it contains fewer calories. This means balsamic vinegar is good for you if you’re attempting to lose weight naturally over a longer time.
4. Balsamic Vinegar is Linked to Lower Cholesterol
Your arteries can become blocked if you have a high cholesterol level. Researchers discovered that balsamic vinegar may inhibit lipid accumulation and significantly reduce Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides (blocks of oils and fats), i.e., the bad kind of cholesterol that you don’t want.
The antioxidants in balsamic vinegar work to eliminate them and prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing. This oxidation is linked to heart disease: Another way in which balsamic vinegar can be good for you. Consuming it in the form of a dressing or glaze, in lieu of fattier, or oilier dressings can help you take care of your body better in the long run.
5. Balsamic Vinegar is Good for Your Blood Circulation

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / ThorstenF)
Polyphenols are fascinating compounds that can be found in balsamic vinegar. These are simply antioxidants that may protect against some common health problems and combat tissue damage.
The quest to establish clear proof that polyphenols improve blood flow is still underway: Polyphenols are being explored to see if they might benefit the cardiovascular system. On the other hand, grapes (from which traditional balsamic vinegar is made) have been linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
While the jury is still out on the science, a lot of the support from this alleged benefit of how balsamic vinegar is good from you comes largely from many Mediterranean cultures.
Some people recommend balsamic vinegar (and other kinds of vinegar) as a natural decongestant and home remedy. Many locals use balsamic vinegar by heating water, adding a few drops of balsamic vinegar, and inhaling deeply to clear up phlegm in the throat and chest.
However, the vinegar in this remedy may cause irritation. We recommend that you take the utmost care when trying this at home. Perhaps, it is better to use the less acidic Apple Cider Vinegar instead. Remember too, that you shouldn’t let the water boil, and let it cool a bit first, before breathing in.
6. Lower Blood Pressure Through Balsamic Vinegar
As previously stated, balsamic vinegar can lower triglyceride and total cholesterol levels, which are connected to heart attacks and strokes. If one replaces fatty foods like butter and oil with vinegar, they can reduce overall fat consumption, which is a good thing for your heart health. That is especially true if you are replacing trans or saturated fats. Unsatured fats, as found in high-quality olive oil, nuts and seeds, are actually necessary and good for your health.
As such, balsamic vinegar’s reduced saturated fat level is also thought to benefit heart health and lower blood pressure for this reason. Adding moderate amounts of balsamic vinegar to your diet is a simple way to lower your blood pressure.
7. Lowers Blood Sugars (Safer for Diabetics)

(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / RitaE)
Foods with a high glycemic index, such as sugary snacks, produce a surge in blood sugar. The glycemic index of balsamic vinegar is low. These antiglycemic properties of balsamic vinegar mean that a person’s blood sugar levels are less likely to surge after consuming it.
According to some research, adding balsamic vinegar to your meals as a condiment can help you eat healthier and avoid blood sugar rises for hours afterward. Nevertheless, if you are diabetic, you should keep a close eye on how much balsamic vinegar you consume, as it still contains sugar.
Hungry? If all this talk of balsamic vinegar has made you a little peckish, be sure to check out our recipe for using it as a delectable, appetizing tofu seasoning, you won’t be disappointed by the results.
Read on:
- How to Make a Vinegar Mother: A Beginner’s Guide
- Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar: Two Recipes
- Apple Cider Vinegar Foot Soak: Remedy for Calluses and Swollen Feet
Important Information regarding Health-related Topics.
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