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Can You Freeze Peanut Butter? Avoid These 3 Mistakes

can you freeze peanut butter
Foto: CC0 Public Domain / Unsplash / Karolina Grabowska

Can you freeze peanut butter as a preservation method? Learn what things to avoid in order to successfully freeze your leftover peanut butter.

Peanut butter is a household staple across the country. Homemade peanut butter can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 months, while store-bought peanut butter can often last up to a year unopened in the cupboard. Despite peanut butter’s fairly long shelf life, sometimes it just isn’t possible to use it all by its best-before date. And just like nuts can go bad — nut butter can go bad, too.

Did you know you can freeze peanut butter? It’s actually a very simple way of extending the shelf life even further, but there are some common mistakes you should avoid when freezing it. 

Before freezing your peanut butter, do a quick test. Spread one tablespoon of it on a piece of parchment paper or silicone baking mat and place it in the freezer for a couple of hours. Check to see how it freezes — this will help reduce food waste if your peanut butter doesn’t freeze well. 

1. Freezing in the Jar

You can freeze peanut butter in glass jars, as long as they aren't full and unopened.
You can freeze peanut butter in glass jars, as long as they aren't full and unopened.
(Foto: CC0 Public Domain / Unsplash / Happy Jars )

One of the biggest mistakes people make when freezing peanut butter is freezing it in an unopened glass jar. This is dangerous for a variety of reasons. Substances like peanut butter expand when they freeze, which puts additional pressure on the container. By freezing peanut butter in a glass jar, the pressure might cause the glass to shatter which can be challenging to clean up and can also affect other foods. 

You can freeze peanut butter in jars if you want to; however, you should remove the seal so that the contents have more space to expand. It might also be a good idea to place the jar inside a reusable freezer bag just in case it bursts. 

2. Freezing Large Portions

You should put peanut butter in clean containers before freezing to avoid cross contamination.
You should put peanut butter in clean containers before freezing to avoid cross contamination.
(Foto: CC0 Public Domain / Unsplash / Towfiqu barbhuiya )

If you have half a jar of peanut butter you want to freeze, you may think you can throw it into the freezer as is. However, in order to maximize your freezer space, it makes more sense to freeze peanut butter in appropriately-sized containers. Not only does this take up less space, but it also allows you to take out the properly-portioned size you need to thaw. 

You can freeze peanut butter easily in ice cube trays. Once frozen, you can transfer the cubes to a suitable reusable freezer bag or container. You can also spread out thin layers of peanut butter on a silicone baking mat and freeze them that way, making them suitable for a quick throw-together PB&J. 

Did you know that peanut butter is usually vegan?

3. Freezing for Too Long

You can freeze peanut butter for up to 6 months.
You can freeze peanut butter for up to 6 months.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / MaeM)

Another common mistake when freezing peanut butter is to leave it in the freezer too long. Peanut butter can safely be stored in the freezer for approximately 6 months before it begins to deteriorate in terms of flavor. You can consume it after that 6-month mark, but it may not taste as good. Plus, the longer you leave it in the freezer, the more likely it is to develop freezer burn. 

Other Ways You Can Freeze Peanut Butter

You can freeze peanut butter in the form of cookie dough.
You can freeze peanut butter in the form of cookie dough.
(Foto: CC0 Public Domain / Unsplash / Pam Menegakis)

You can freeze peanut butter in other ways. Make peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies which can be frozen as dough, or baked and frozen for later, as can vegan peanut butter cups. You might also consider making satay sauce in bulk and freezing it in dinner-sized portions. 

Read more: 

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