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Learn How to Make Oregano Oil and What to Use It for

how to make oregano oil
Foto: CC0 Public Domain / Unsplash / Dayana Brooke

Wondering how to make oregano oil, and use it for a variety of purposes, including health and wellness? Look no further than our step-by-step guide.

Oregano is an abundant and affordable herb, which is easy to source, grow on its own or grow as a companion herb. Learning how to make oregano oil just takes a little time, and will yield beautiful results for a variety of applications. You can make it when you have a little time, and it will keep for a long time, so it will be on hand for whichever health or well-being treatment or remedy you need.

Oregano has been used by the ancients Greeks and Romans, who believed it to have medicinal properties. The word itself is translated as ‘mountain joy’. Even today, oregano is heralded for its antibacterial elements, thought to fight sore throats, bacterial infections, fungus, flu, and more. Studies also highlight oregano’s antifungal, antiviral and antimicrobial functions.

We will mostly focus on the external uses of oregano oil, though we still suggest mixing it with a carrier oil if coming into contact with the skin. Each suggestion for use will provide information useful to that particular application.

Pure essential oils can be too harsh for the skin, so diluting allows the benefits, without the intensity, or possible tingle/burn. Useful carrier oils to use include grapeseed oil, olive oil, almond oil, argon oil, and avocado oil.

Oregano Oil Uses

Learn how to make oregano oil and use it to best effect.

Oregano oil can be made at home, with some simple ingredients, and can be widely used for a number of purposes. Along with health and well-being applications, it can also be used around the house. You can easily make a batch of oregano oil and keep it in separate bottles for varying uses. You may wish to have some in the bathroom and in the kitchen, close to hand for when you want it. Here are a few ways to use your oregano oil:

  • In your bath. You only need a few drops in a bath, to give you an earthy scent. Too much and you may find your skin a little irritable – a little goes a long way. 
  • Add to a diffuser in your bathroom. This way you still get the scent and can inhale the benefits.
  • Adding oregano oil to a carrier oil will give a little heat to your massage. You need no more than 10 drops of oil for every 1oz of carrier oil. What a wonderful way to relax.
  • You can also use it as a fragrance to accompany your meditation or yoga practice. It’s very easy to add to an oil burner, diluted with water. The fragrance may especially help when suffering from a cold.
  • You can pop a few drops into your face wash or DIY moisturizer. It is believed to stimulate the skin and leave it feeling refreshed.
  • As a scalp treatment. Oregano oil’s antifungal and anti-infective properties may also help remove dandruff.
  • If you suffer from athlete’s foot, you can also apply diluted, and its antifungal properties can set to work.
  • As an earache remedy. The same goes for some other oils, such as tea tree, basil, and garlic oil. Mix a couple of drops with olive oil and inset gently inside the ear.
  • Oregano oil may also be used as a mild disinfectant on household surfaces.

How to Make Oregano Oil

Just a few key ingredients required.

You can learn how to make oregano oil with our easy-to-follow guide.


  • Oregano leaves
  • Carrier oil (Almond oil, olive oil, or other favorite base oil)
  • Water
  • Sealable jar


  1. Chop or crush the oregano leaves.
  2. Boil up some water in a pan. Once boiling, turn off the heat.
  3. Place the carrier oil and oregano in the jar and seal it with a lid. 
  4. Carefully place the jar into the hot water and let sit for 10 minutes. The heat releases the natural oil from the oregano.
  5. Place the jar where it will see the sunshine, such as on a sunny windowsill.
  6. Leave for 1-2 weeks, shaking the jar every few days.
  7. Then separate the oil from the leaves. This is easily done by straining – catching the oil carefully, so as not to waste any.
  8. Put the oil back in the jar or other airtight container.
  9. Store the oil in a cool, preferably dark place until needed.

Check out our guides on other cooking or cosmetics oil gems that you might have never heard of:

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