How to Regrow Celery From Scraps in 5 Steps
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Want to save money on celery? Learn how to regrow celery from scraps in just a few easy steps! Keep your kitchen sustainable and get fresh celery all year round.close
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Want to save money on celery? Learn how to regrow celery from scraps in just a few easy steps! Keep your kitchen sustainable and get fresh celery all year round.Read more
Fireworks charm and excite us, but scare wildlife. Who invented them, and how are fireworks made? Are they a problem for the environment?Read more
Modern toilets are designed to be eco-friendly, but they still consume a huge amount of water. Here are 5 affordable water-efficient toilets.Read more
Where does trash go? The answer is more complicated than you think. Learn more about where garbage ends up and the environmental implications.Read more
Wondering if you can freeze almond milk? The process is pretty simple. We'll show you the best method to freeze this plant-based beverage and how you can use it.Read more
Eco-friendly sanitizers can kill germs, smell good, and have the added bonus of not being harmful to us. We'll take a look at five of the best hand sanitizers.Read more
Is Greek yogurt dairy? With all the choices available, it can be difficult to know, so let's get a dollop of knowledge about Greek yogurt and whether it contains dairy or not.Read more
Solutions to overfishing are crucial to mitigate the impact humans have on the world's largest ecosystem. Here's how individuals can help.