Sustainability made simple

Food Waste

10 Surprising Benefits of Composting

10 Surprising Benefits of Composting

There is much more to composting than meets the eye! Here are 10 of the most surprising benefits of composting. Read more

can you freeze sweet potatoes

Can You Freeze Sweet Potatoes? A Step-by-Step Guide

Can you freeze sweet potatoes? You sure can. We'll explain how it's done in our handy step-by-step guide and share some tips to get the best results Read more

does honey go bad

Does Honey Go Bad? Everything You Need to Know

Does honey go bad? It’s one of the most commonly asked questions about this natural sweetener. Learn more about the shelf life of honey and how to use it here. Read more

does almond milk go bad

Does Almond Milk Go Bad? How to Tell and What to Do

Almond milk is an alternative to dairy milk, made from just nuts and water. But does almond milk go bad? Here's what affects its shelf life. Read more

How to regrow romaine lettuce

How to Regrow Romaine Lettuce: Simple Step-by-Step Instructions

Regrowing romaine lettuce is easy and ensures you always have this tasty veg on hand. Here's how to regrow romaine lettuce step-by-step. Read more

fridge not cooling

Is Your Fridge Not Cooling? This Might Be Why

Coming downstairs to find that your fridge is not cooling is a frustrating experience. Luckily there are some simple ways to diagnose and fix the problem. Read more

Leftover rice recipe

3 Simple Leftover Rice Recipes: Quick Dinner Options

You've cooked too much rice and don't know what to do with it? Here are three delicious leftover rice recipes to help you avoid food waste. Read more

how to keep bagels fresh

How to Keep Bagels Fresh for Many Days

Delicious bagels will be eaten quickly, but if you find yourself with leftovers, they shouldn't be thrown out. Learn how to keep bagels fresh with these tips. Read more