Sustainability made simple


floss alternatives

Floss Alternatives: 3 Eco-Friendly Swaps

Flossing is an essential part of maintaining dental health, but floss itself is not very eco-friendly. Fortunately, there are many sustainable floss alternatives. Read more

How to make shaving cream

How to Make Shaving Cream: A Simple DIY Recipe

Whether your shave your legs or face, shaving cream is just as important for your skin as a good razor. Follow this recipe for an all-natural DIY alternative to store-bought shaving cream.  Read more


UVA vs. UVB Rays: How Are They Different?

Don't know the difference between UVA v. UVB? UVA and UVB are two different forms of ultraviolet light. While they each have slightly different effects, both are damaging — both for you and for the planet. Read more

what is black salt used for

What is Black Salt and What is it Used For?

What is black salt used for? Prized for its unique flavor and healthy properties, black salt is a must-have for your kitchen shelf. Here we outline exactly what black salt is, its benefits, and how you can use it when cooking. Read more

double yolk eggs

Double Yolk Eggs: Still Edible?

Why do some eggs have double yolks? Are they still edible? Read on to find out more about the double-yolk phenomenon. Read more

Are frozen vegetables healthy?

Are Frozen Vegetables Healthy or Not?

If you have more vegetables in your fridge than you’re able to eat, freeze them! We’ll show you why frozen vegetables can be healthier than fresh ones. Read more

how often should you replace your toothbrush

How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?

Dental hygiene is about more than just brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist – your toothbrush plays into it as well. We'll look at how often you should replace your toothbrush for happy, healthy teeth. Read more

epsom salt foot soak

Epsom Salt Foot Soak: Benefits and Guide

An Epsom salt foot soak is a kind of mineral bath with many purported benefits. Read on to learn more about the myth and the science behind this treatment. Read more