5 Annoying Examples of Planned Obsolescence
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Planned obsolescence is how companies trick you into buying new products. Here are the worst examples of planned obsolescence.close
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Planned obsolescence is how companies trick you into buying new products. Here are the worst examples of planned obsolescence.Read more
Most of us leave our smartphones on around the clock. But that's not always a good idea! Here are 5 convincing reasons to turn off your phone at night.Read more
From small lifestyle changes to large-scale policy interventions, these actionable solutions to air pollution can make a huge difference.Read more
The effects of climate change are increasingly evident. Here are some simple ways to prevent climate change and help the planet.Read more
Our bathroom routines can significantly impact our health, our wallets and the planet. Ditch these 12 harmful habits and products to protect yourself and the Earth.Read more
Learn where you can make independent, self-sufficient living a reality with the 10 best states for homesteading!Read more
Have you seen the best lakes in the country? Not sure which one to visit? Here are the 10 most beautiful lakes in the US.Read more
Prepare your green thumbs as we review the best plant care apps available for both iOS and Android. We'll share the finest plant care apps, both free and premium, so your home can bloom in no time.