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Mental Health

4 Day Work Week & Companies That Lead by Example.

4 Day Work Week & Companies That Lead by Example

The 4-day work week has been a major topic of discussion in recent years, but is there a downside? We'll take a look and the pros and cons of a 4-day work week. Read more

Tuina massage

Tuina Massage: Benefits and How to Get Started

Tuina massage is the oldest form of bodywork therapy, based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. We'll tell you the potential benefits, as well as the basics of how to do Tuina massage. Read more

mistakes in the morning

7 Common Morning Mistakes You Should Avoid

Having a positive morning is crucial for getting your day off to a good start. We'll explain seven of the most common mistakes in the morning that you might be making. Read more

How to deal with intrusive thoughts

How to Deal With Intrusive Thoughts: 6 Tips

Unwanted thoughts, so easy to come by these days, leave you feeling uneasy and distressed. Here's why they happen and six tips for how to deal with intrusive thoughts. Read more

Touch love language

The “Touch” Love Language: Explanation & Ideas

Maintaining the "touch" love language with your partner is something that can often become complicated. We explain the five love languages, as well as some tips on how to mindfully practice the love language of physical touch together. Read more

work burnout symptoms

Work Burnout Symptoms You Should Stop Ignoring

Across a wide variety of professions, workplace burnout is commonplace. Look out for these burnout symptoms to keep yourself and your loved ones on the right track. Read more

best herbs for anxiety

The 8 Best Herbs for Anxiety and How to Use Them

Anxiety comes in different forms, and can limit or disrupt daily routines if not properly cared for. We've compiled a list of the best herbs for anxiety. Read more

increase dopamine naturally

10 Healthy Ways to Increase Dopamine Naturally

Dopamine is a chemical produced in the brain that allows us to feel pleasure, as part of our brain reward system. We'll give you 10 ways to increase dopamine naturally. Read more