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6 Hemp Heart Benefits and Uses

hemp heart benefits
Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / sweetlouise

Hemp hearts are full of essential nutrients and easy to add to your everyday diet. Check out these six hemp heart benefits and some ideas on how to eat them.

Hemp hearts are the inside portion of hemp seeds, which come from the Cannabis sativa L. plant. Removing the hard outer shell of hemp seeds reveals the soft hemp heart. Although marijuana comes from the same plant family, hemp seeds contain insignificant levels of the psychoactive component THC, so you can add hemp hearts to your daily diet without experiencing any side effects.

Also known as hulled hemp seeds, these tiny green and white hearts are actually nutritional powerhouses. They are chock-full of plant-based protein and healthy fats, yet low in carbohydrates. Of the carbohydrates in hemp seeds, only half come from sugar. The rest make up the fiber content. The majority of fat comes from polyunsaturated fats, making hemp hearts a great choice for vegans and vegetarians. Hemp seeds also contain all nine essential amino acids as well as several vitamins and minerals including magnesium and zinc. Here are six of the major hemp heart benefits.

1. Heart Health

Add healthy fruits and veggies along with hemp hearts to improve your cardiovascular health.

Hemp seeds are high in polyunsaturated fat, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fat is crucial to your health. It has been shown to reduce unhealthy cholesterol levels and, in turn, decrease incidence of heart disease. Further research shows that when people modify their dietary fat intake to include more polyunsaturated fat and less saturated fat, they reduce their risk of cardiovascular events. Because hemp hearts are high in magnesium, they can also benefit heart health by decreasing blood pressure and even the risk of stroke.

2. Bone Health

Contrary to what you may have thought, milk is not the most important ingredient for strong bones. In fact, magnesium homeostasis is essential to maintaining bone health. Because hemp hearts are high in magnesium, they help build and retain bone strength, reducing the risk of fractures and developing bone diseases like osteoporosis.

3. Lower Risk of Diabetes

Reap hemp heart benefits and add them to your diet to lower risk of diabetes.

The magnesium and omega-6 fatty acids found in hemp hearts both help reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Magnesium does this by breaking down sugars and lowering the chance of insulin resistance. The linoleic acid found in hemp hearts also has long-term benefits for preventing Type 2 diabetes. If you are in the risk group for developing diabetes, adding hemp hearts to your diet may help.

4. Constipation Relief

Hemp hearts benefit those with constipation as well. They contain high levels of dietary fiber, which can help relieve constipation. Next time you have problems with constipation, consider taking some homemade laxatives and snacking on some hemp hearts.

5. Better Cognitive Function

Improve your cognitive health by eating hemp hearts.

There are several ways in which hemp hearts benefit cognitive function. Hemp hearts are anti-inflammatory and help reduce damage to the hippocampus caused by inflammation. This benefits memory and learning ability. Overall brain function and cell growth can also benefit from the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids found in hemp hearts. These polyunsaturated fats can even lower the risk of dementia.

6. Mental Health

Along with brain health and cognitive function comes mental health and well-being. The high levels of omega-3 fatty acids found in hemp hearts can benefit mental health by fighting depression, anxiety and even some mental disorders such as ADHD, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Of course, hemp hearts do not cure any of these mental illnesses. They cannot replace therapy or prescribed medication. Instead, hemp hearts can help decrease the adverse effects and make dealing with these mental illnesses easier.

Eating Hemp Hearts

Sprinkle hemp seeds on top of toast, yoghurt and more.

Hemp hearts are a versatile ingredient you can add to many dishes, from avocado toast to salads. You can sprinkle them on your morning oatmeal or açaí bowl or blend them in a smoothie. You can also use hemp hearts to make pie crust or pesto without pine nuts or bake them into homemade energy bars for added protein. Get creative with it and have fun adding hemp hearts to dishes you already love.

Like many other foods, hemp hearts can be consumed in too high quantities. They are high in calories and are recommended to be consumed in moderation. Furthermore, while the seeds are FDA-approved and safe to eat, they contain about 0.3% THC. This is the legal threshold for dietary consumption, and it is considered insignificant. However, you may want to talk to your doctor about adding hemp hearts to your diet if you are on medications like birth control, ACE inhibitors or antihypertensive drugs. Hemp hearts have many benefits, but they are not meant to replace any medication you are taking.

Read more:

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