Your immediate reaction to discovering gray hairs may be to reach for the dye, but consider welcoming the change in your look with these benefits of going gray.
As you age, you may feel emotional about your changing appearance. In a society obsessed with youthful, tight skin, shiny hair and nails, thin bodies, and blemish-free faces, it can be hard to accept when you start to go gray. It’s become the norm for majority of middle-age women to dye their hair. While it may feel comfortable to dye your hair in an effort to slow down your aging and retain the look you’re used to, letting yourself go gray can be a wonderful thing.
Society’s ideal image of beauty is constantly changing, so why even bother keeping up? Instead, try and embrace this new phase in life and observe as your hair slowly changes color. Your hair is a part of you and graying is a natural process. Learning self-love through embracing your natural look can be radical and beautiful. If you give it a chance, you may really like the new reflection you see in the mirror.
1. Gray Hair is Trendy
If rebelling against society’s beauty standards and embracing your gray hair doesn’t appeal to you, trying putting a different spin on things. Did you know that silver hair is actually very on trend, and has been for the last couple years? Everybody from high-schoolers to twenty and thirty year olds are bleaching their hair to get silver and white tones. The key is keeping it fresh and healthy so that the gray looks nice, rather than frizzy and dry. If your hair is naturally going gray, embrace the change and enjoy your trendy new look.
2. Save Time and Money

Dying your gray hair may be easy at first, when you only have a few discolored strands. Over time, however, the process can become extremely time consuming and expensive – not to mention the environmental impacts of the hair dye chemicals ending up in the waterways. If you don’t want fully gray roots, you’re forced to dye your hair about every six weeks in order to maintain your look. This takes a few hours out of your day on the regular, and the money adds up. Regardless of whether you hit the salon or do it at home, there’s no getting around this. Keep your money in the bank, and keep chemicals out of the waterways by embracing your gray hair.
3. Healthier Hair

Consistently dying hair is very damaging. Hair dye takes a toll on hair, making it more dry and frizzy, and causing breakage. Gray hair especially, is more resistant to dye due to its texture. This makes the coloring process even more damaging, as colorists are forced to use harsher products in order to get the result you desire. You’ll likely need to keep your hair shorter with regular trims, and avoid using heat in order to mitigate the damage. Is this worth it for a certain hair color? On the other hand, if you decide to love yourself with gray hair, you can keep it longer and visibly more healthy for a long time.
Take Care of Your Grays

It’s especially important to take care of gray hair because these aging strands don’t have the same resilience and strength as they used to. Keep your hair smooth, shiny and healthy with these tips.
- Wash infrequently: prevent your hair from drying out by reducing your wash days to just once or twice per week. Make sure to use natural shampoo and conditioner by opting for products free of silicone and sulfates. Look for purple shampoo and conditioner specifically designed for silver hair, in order to prevent yellowing. If your scalp gets greasy, you can combat this by using a DIY dry shampoo.
- Hydrate: keep your hair strong and shiny by properly hydrating. Use a high quality deep conditioner or an all-natural oil once or twice a week. You can apply a deep conditioner either in the hours before a wash, or the night before. Try coconut oil as an overnight hair mask.
- Regular trims: regardless of whether you have short or long hair, you will need regular trims in order to prevent breakage. Healthy hair only remains healthy when it is frequently trimmed, so make sure to go to the salon about every three months.
Read more:
- Greasy Hair? These Home Remedies and Tips Can Help!
- How to Use Flaxseed Oil for Hair Care and Growth
- Rice Water Rinse: Benefits and How to Make it
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