Lagom is a Swedish word which means, “just the right amount”, or “in moderation”. In this article, we’ll show you how this Scandinavian lifestyle concept can bring balance to all areas of your life.
Having Just Enough
The word “lagom” describes a particular feeling and is difficult to translate in one word. Lagom is the status of living in perfect balance. Think of it like this: Bath water is the ideal temperature when it is neither too hot, nor too cold. When the temperature lies exactly between the two, it is exactly right – lagom.
In the Swedish approach to life, everything is oriented around well-being. An ecologically responsible mindset and a calm and peaceful temperament are also a part of the lagom way of life.
Here are some tips for how you can bring the lagom mindset to different areas of your life.
Living Lagom

Your apartment is lagom when it is neither too full, nor too empty: Maintaining balance between minimalism and excess creates the proper environment for you to focus and be creative. Owning just the right amount of nice things is good for the environment, too. If you do not regularly shop for new things you do not need, you will save resources and money.
Eating Lagom

Quite a few cookbooks (like this one on Amazon**) have been written about the Scandinavian approach to food. Lagom cooking is known for its healthy, seasonal dishes, high-quality, ecologically conscious ingredients and well-balanced flavors and seasoning. The focus is on the enjoyment and appreciation of the food itself, not on stuffing your face.
Finding Balance at Work

The concept of lagom can also bring balance to your work life. How to find a harmonious work-life-balance is a topic discussed ad nauseam in seminars, books, and on the internet. The key is to have periods of focused, concentrated work with no distractions, punctuated by relaxed breaks during which you put work completely out of your mind. In Sweden, the coffee break, called fika, is an important daily ritual. The entire office pauses and enjoys coffee and cake together, regardless of title or position.
You can learn all about fika and how to take traditional Swedish coffee-breaks from books like this one on Amazon**.
Lagom Clothing

Your lagom closet is neat and orderly. It contains a few versatile and well-chosen pieces, is not bursting with garments or accessories, and includes a fitting outfit for every occasion. Your clothes are high-quality and were produced in an environmentally friendly way. The wardrobe is composed of simple, durable clothes that are comfortable and practical.
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Lagom in Community Life

Living a balanced life is about more than just successfully allocating time between professional and private space. Lagom also concerns human relationships and your own personal relationship to the world around you. Here too, the middle way is the road to happiness. Carefully maintain your relationships with people who are important to you, and don’t forget to take time to maintain your relationship with yourself. It is not about having as many Facebook friends as possible, but about having a close circle or friends with whom you have a deep and lasting connection.

Read more:
- Maintaining Minimalism
- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction: Living in the Present
- Best Morning Routine: 10 Tips for Healthy Morning Rituals That Will Kick-Start Your Day
Important Information regarding Health-related Topics.
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