Wondering how to store green onions? As they’re sold in bunches, you often end up with more than you need. We’ll explain three ways for storing green onions to keep them fresh.
Unlike yellow, red, and white onions, which you can store for a while without any problems, green onions don’t stay fresh as long. This is mainly due to two things: they don’t have a skin that protects them from drying out and water also evaporates through the long green ends.
Green onions are definitely best when eaten fresh, and you shouldn’t try and store them for any great length of time. That being said, there are a few ways you can make them last a bit longer.
Storing Green Onions: Cutting off the Leaves
One easy way to make spring onions last longer is by simply cutting off as much of the green as possible. This will help avoid the shrivelling that occurs when the liquid from the onions evaporates. This method works best when you need to use small amounts of green onions on two or more consecutive days — you can store the chopped greens and the bulbs separately in the fridge.
Tip: Add chopped green onion on top of soups, in stir fry, or bake them into biscuits or loaves of bread.
How to Store Green Onions in Water
Scallions still have their roots when you buy them. If you put green onions in a jar with a little bit of water, the roots will keep the bulb hydrated. This will keep them fresh and crisp for longer, however, it is important that you change the water every day.
By the way: If you only use the green parts of the spring onion, leave the bulbs in water — the greens will grow back completely after a few weeks. Read more here: Growing Vegetables from Scraps: How to Regrow Vegetables.
Storing Them in the Fridge

Instead of simply storing green onions in the kitchen, keep them in the vegetable drawer or crisper of your refrigerator. They are better off there and will keep a little longer, especially if you wrap them in a damp cloth.
In addition, you can of course freeze scallions if you want to preserve them for a longer period of time. Read more: Can You Freeze Onions? Yes – Here’s How
This article has been translated from German by Karen Stankiewicz. You can find the original here: Frühlingszwiebeln lagern: So halten sie sich länger
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