How to Clean a Wool Rug: A Step-By-Step Guide
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Wool rugs are an excellent and stylish investment for any home, and they can last years if maintained correctly. Follow this guide for how to clean your wool rug and keep it looking fresh.close
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Wool rugs are an excellent and stylish investment for any home, and they can last years if maintained correctly. Follow this guide for how to clean your wool rug and keep it looking fresh.Read more
Composting your grass clippings is a simple way to eliminate waste, add nutrients to your soil, and properly balance your compost pile for a healthier garden overall. Read on to learn how.Read more
Many don't realize they can insulate windows to keep the heat out. This quick guide will explain several affordable and sustainable DIY options to keep your home cool.Read more
Cleaning your coffee maker regularly is essential in maintaining flavor and for the health of your machine. Most people use vinegar to clean their coffee makers – but it also works without vinegar. We'll show you how.Read more
Chalkboards and chalkboard paint are becoming popular ways to decorate your home. Yet cleaning chalkboards can sometimes be messy and require specific tools. Read on to learn 3 different methods to clean a chalkboard.Read more
Wondering how to make your towels soft again – with eco-friendly methods? No matter how soft and plushy a towel once was, it will most likely becoming stiff and scratchy after a few washes. Thankfully, there are ways to fix it.Read more
It’s fairly easy to keep stainless steel clean without the use of harsh and toxic solvents. In fact, you can make your own DIY stainless steel cleaner at home with just three simple ingredients.Read more
Using soy wax is a great way to make personalized, long-lasting candles that won’t hurt the earth. Here’s a guide and some helpful tips for making your own soy candles at home.