Bee Balm (aka Wild Bergamot): How to Plant, Care & Use the Plant
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Whether you plant bee balm from seed or buy a plant, it's a great garden addition. We’ll have a closer look at the bee balm plant along with its many uses.close
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Whether you plant bee balm from seed or buy a plant, it's a great garden addition. We’ll have a closer look at the bee balm plant along with its many uses.Read more
The pink and purple chive flowers appear in late spring to early summer. We’ll show you how to harvest and use the edible chive blossoms.Read more
Learning how to clean jewelry at home will save you money and make your jewelry look brand new without the use of harsh chemicals.Read more
Looking for a way to use less plastic and foil when storing your leftovers? DIY beeswax wraps are the perfect choice – follow these steps to make your own.Read more
Did you know there are plenty of eco-friendly substitutes for fabric softener? We'll give you the scoop on some good fabric softener alternatives you should try.Read more
The ponytail palm has become a much-loved houseplant by many, and it is important to take good care of it. We've compiled the best ponytail palm care tips for you below.Read more
The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 may be a familiar concept to you already, but did you know the list gets updated every year? Read on to learn more about the list for 2022.Read more
Pickling vs fermenting — what's the difference and does it matter? Find out by reading more about these ancient methods of food preservation and how they might benefit you.