How to Store Flour So It Stays Fresh (and Avoid Flour Bugs!)
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It may seem that flour never goes bad, but improper storage can lead to big problems. Learn how to store flour effectively and keep it fresh.close
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It may seem that flour never goes bad, but improper storage can lead to big problems. Learn how to store flour effectively and keep it fresh.Read more
Master the technique of how to freeze-dry candy at home. Savor intensified flavors in long-lasting confections, perfect for snacking, camping and emergencies.Read more
Read about one young student's journey as she takes an honest look at her possessions, rethinks her relationship with consumerism and discovers the benefits of minimalism.Read more
They contaminate your food and feast on your cookies — learn how to get rid of biscuit beetles without resorting to nasty insecticides that harm the environment.Read more
Save money and reduce food waste by learning how to freeze-dry fruit without a machine. Our easy tutorial shows you how to do it yourself in just a few steps.Read more
If you're passionate about protecting the planet, choosing between paper books vs. eBooks is tricky. We've got the facts you need to make an eco-conscious choice.Read more
Does the Salvation Army take mattresses? What about furniture or food? Follow our donation guide for what they will and won't accept.Read more
Fast fashion may seem like a good deal, but it has hidden costs for you and the planet. These three questions will help you make sustainable choices.